Dive Board

[UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

[UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by FabianKoch on Nov 14th, 2013 14:19 PM

Until now, there was no specific control implementation for FPS-Games.
In most cases, you are moving to where you look and use the gyro sensor to change the gun direction.
There's more!

With Unity I developed a character system, which lets your player behaves similar to a human and
makes you believe, that you are the player!

I actually wanted to develop an unique game for the Dive. The idea was clear already, but unfortunately
this was not possible without financial support, so I converted it to an Asset.
Those of you, who would like to make a first person game for Virtual Reality Goggles, will find this Asset very useful.

Have fun! :D

APK Demo: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FabianKoch.VirtualRealityFPSDemo
PC Demo: http://unitywebplayer.dreameye-travel.com/
Unity Asset: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/12298


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Joined: 14.11.2013

Re: Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by jplefox on Nov 19th, 2013 02:14 AM

Hey Fabian,

your Demo looks pretty awesome, but I'cant control the charakter. Did you implement native gamepad support?
I use a dualshock 3 with the sixaxis app from the playstore...



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Re: Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by FabianKoch on Nov 19th, 2013 14:45 PM

Finally, a feedback if it works... Thank you!
Actually I am using the same controller also with the sixaxis app and I've implemented native gamepad.
I think this might be some kind of bug I had some time ago.
I've just uploaded a new apk version. Now it should work.
Could you please try again and give me a response :)



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Joined: 14.11.2013

Re: [UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by jplefox on Nov 20th, 2013 19:04 PM

Now it works!;) Thank you.
Pretty neat stuff. Although you need to improve the aiming sensibilty of the right analog stick. It's pretty "wild" and unprecise...
Nevertheless this nice little demo is really cool and a glimpse into the future. Hopefully someone will make a game like this.
I cant' code. I'm just the consumer^^:P

Keep up the good work!


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Joined: 12.08.2013

Re: [UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by pitt976 on Nov 26th, 2013 20:40 PM

Absolut Fantastische Arbeit Fabian !!!

Ich würde sagen das war der letzte Schritt zur totalen Charakter Kontrolle im 3D Raum ! Nun ensteht der wirkliche FPS 3D Eindruck ,Kontrolle über die Achsen, und nach einiger Eingewöhnungszeit muss ich sagen , ich kann mir verdammt gut vorstellen genau dieses Prinzip in nächster Zeit in SBS Stereo Games wiederzufinden !!!!

Alle Daumen nach oben !

Greetings Pitt976


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Re: [UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by FabianKoch on Nov 27th, 2013 11:13 AM

Vielen Dank Pitt976 :D
Mich schmerzt es sehr, dass ich nicht selbst die Zeit und Geld habe, auf diese Weise ein richtiges Spiel zu entwickeln. Die Ideen sprudeln nur so;)
Ich vermute, dass die Gewöhnung an solch eine Steuerung erstmal da sein muss. An vielen Personen habe ich diese Steuerung testen lassen. Einige kamen von Anhieb gut zurecht, andere brauchten eine Weile.
Dennoch denke ich auch, dass fast genau diese Art der Steuerung in Zukunft genutzt wird. Die Tatsache, dass der Blick in der Demo automatisch folgt, wenn man die Waffe seitlich bewegt, diente ja eigentlich nur dem Zweck,
damit man auch aus der Sitzposition spielen kann. Hebt man aber diese Begrenzung /Hilfe auf, so sind Arme und Sicht komplett entkoppelt, so wie es eigentlich sein sollte. Wenn man dann seine Razer Hydra anschließen würde, hätte
man eine Menge Spaß=)

Gruß Fabian


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Joined: 14.11.2013

Re: [UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by Ianmcmill on Jan 2nd, 2014 00:04 AM

Am I able to add custom animations to the characters or are the animations customized to not interfere with the head tracking ?
And can I use mecanim system ?


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Re: [UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by FabianKoch on Jan 2nd, 2014 14:37 PM

Yes you can add animations, but first I would recommend to animate only the legs! Hence make sure, you only add animation keys below the hip.
Otherwise the gamepad rotation is disturbed by the animation of the upper body. Have a close look to the given animations.

If you want to add a reload or aim animation, it's probably easier to solve this in the code. For testing purposes I already had the aming implemented. It worked great!
Just store the different rotations of the weapons and arms in variables. So you can quickly change anything at any time.

I don't think mecanim will work, I've never used it.


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Joined: 14.11.2013

Re: [UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by FabianKoch on Jan 5th, 2014 22:48 PM

How to enable the head tracking and adjust the controls(ps3) identical to the android demo.
(Anyone who has problems with the headtracking should follow these steps too.)

Due to the divesensor update from Durovis Dive and some questions regarding the control, I made an up to date package with everything you need:

1. Download the folder from the link.
2. Move the "Plugin" folder into your "Virtual Reality FPS\Assets"
2. Replace your "Virtual Reality FPS\ProjectSettings\InputManager.asset " with the one in the plugin folder.
3. Now just remove the old OpenDiveSensor.cs and attach the new one to the "Neck".

That should be all

Just ask if you have further questions...


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Joined: 14.11.2013

Re: [UPDATE] Virtual Reality FPS - Demos and Unity Asset

by Jeffery77 on Mar 27th, 2025 12:20 PM

Not everyone has the time or money to travel the world, but https://halosphere.ca/ is offering an incredible alternative. I recently tried a platform that let me explore famous destinations with such lifelike detail that I forgot I was using technology. Whether it was standing in the middle of a busy city or gazing at a peaceful beach sunset, the experience felt almost as real as being there in person.


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