Dive Board

Canvas UI World Space Menu

Canvas UI World Space Menu

by MitchB on Jun 6th, 2015 06:13 AM

Hi everyone,

I have a quick question about the Unity 5 Canvas World Space Camera. The Canvas World Space "Event Camera" accepts as input just one Camera object, however Dive has two cameras in the scene. Has anyone figured out a way to hook up the Durovis Dive system to work with Canvas UI World Space? If I set it to just Left or Right camera it quite difficult to activate the buttons on the canvas as only one side of the screen is accepting input. Thanks for your assistance!


Posts: 2

Joined: 06.06.2015

Re: Canvas UI World Space Menu

by MitchB on Jun 6th, 2015 08:12 AM

I figured this out for anyone who is interested:

Make a third camera and attach it as a child to the Dive_Camera prefab. Set the culling mask to everything and the Depth Flags to "Depth Only". This makes an invisible camera that acts as the single camera you can then pass to the Event Camera variable in the Canvas world space UI. Works quite well for my purpose (having buttons in world space and dive). There is some configuration with handling the Magnet Trigger, I had good success with testing whether the user was highlighting the button programmatically and then testing for the magnet trigger event.


Posts: 2

Joined: 06.06.2015

Re: Canvas UI World Space Menu

by Nattaphon on Jun 14th, 2016 11:26 AM

This is very useful to the reader I am. It is really fantastic.


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Joined: 14.06.2016

Re: Canvas UI World Space Menu

by kennedystewart on Jun 15th, 2022 11:24 AM

Do you know of any games that caused me to pass out from exhaustion? Drift Boss is a driving game that allows you to test your limits while driving on the circuit. When you're always focused on controlling the car on the circuit, you won't be able to stop. Until you truly enter space


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Joined: 15.06.2022


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