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What are the benefits of using a recruitment agency for hiring employees

What are the benefits of using a recruitment agency for hiring employees

by katherine15 on Jun 10th, 2024 08:12 AM

[li]Access to a Larger Talent Pool: Payroll Solution in Iraq have extensive databases of candidates and established networks. This gives them access to a broader pool of potential hires, including passive candidates who might not be actively searching for a job but could be the perfect fit.[/li]
[li]Cost-Effective: While there is a fee for their services, recruitment agency in Iraq can be cost-effective in the long run. They reduce the need for extensive advertising and lower the risk of a bad hire, which can be costly due to training and turnover expenses.[/li]


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Joined: 04.07.2023

Re: What are the benefits of using a recruitment agency for hiring employees

by anna on Jun 19th, 2024 08:58 AM

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