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History of the game five nights at freddy's.

History of the game five nights at freddy's.

by lalaloo on Jun 11th, 2024 04:07 AM

One night, Cawthon dreamed of a big and scary robot hare. In the morning, the developer drew the monster and showed it to his son, who confirmed that the image was really scary. After the hare, other animatronics appeared, including the legendary Freddy.

The peculiarity of animatronics is in their contradictions. During the day, they light up the stage and entertain children, and at night they turn into crazy killers who prowl the area and kill everyone they meet. The balance between charm and horror makes them especially interesting. Also, animatronics are not pure evil. In Security Breach, Freddy even acts as an ally: sometimes the hero gets into him and walks among enemies with impunity.

FNaF has an incredible mythology: you can study it for months and still not understand much. There are sinister geniuses, characters with an incomprehensible fate, unseen materials that absorb consciousness, side lines about other institutions.

The fate of the animatronics themselves is especially interesting: almost all of them are victims of a maniac whose souls were uploaded into robots. Initially, the poor guys wanted to take revenge on the offender, but then they went crazy and began to kill innocent people.

The developers avoid direct answers and present the story in hints - it is not surprising that there are a lot of fan theories around "Five Nights at Freddy's". For example, some gamers are sure that only the events of the first part took place in reality. The rest of the games are the dream of an unfortunate child. Are they right? Everyone decides for themselves.


Posts: 55

Joined: 18.07.2022

Re: History of the game five nights at freddy's.

by sesil on Jun 11th, 2024 05:43 AM

Yes, I am familiar with several versions of the story of the game five nights at freddy's, as for the storyline and it is really impressive. Recently I was lucky to find a site with five nights at freddy's unblocked and now I can enjoy this game even in college where games are supposedly prohibited. This site has all parts of the cult horror game and you can play absolutely free.


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Joined: 10.07.2022


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