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Re: Quake 2

Re: Quake 2

by thief6666 on Oct 3rd, 2014 06:11 AM

I second your question .. and moreover - why nooone did Q1 yet:) ?


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Re: Quake 2

by AlexRoudos on Oct 6th, 2014 07:50 AM

I have tried the quick and dirty solution by forenbenutzer in page 4 and it worked immediately without any keys assigning from within Quake, on my idroid controller. I used Stephan's cfg. Finally it was fun to play the game. I don't mind the need to be standing up as it is more natural for me :)

By the way there is a Native SBS for Android app https://plus.google.com/communities/117 ... 6006925326

It turns everything into SBS, even the home screen. It works accurately with a wireless or bt mouse, not with touch though. It doesn't fill the whole screen and doesn't support distortion(coming to the next updates) but still it is the only available option in this direction.

From the members-testers on the group there's only a few that got it working on their phones.

My personal experience is that i almost bricked for good my S4 Active in which it never worked until it's current version. But my new LG G3 (D855) works perfectly with the stock rom, and this is super important. It only needs root which is very easy with stump root. I had quite a lot of fun playing Modern Combat 4(supports Gyroscope movement) with a PS3 controller using this app.

The higher resolution of the G3 makes SDE even less pronounced, and you really have to focus on it to see it.


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Re: Quake 2

by scvo on Oct 16th, 2014 14:41 PM

"ise" wrote:
[quote="PacmanJ":2vn1blc0]I tried. Same issue :cry:

Go to this site with your normal computer: https://sites.google.com/site/quake2and ... aldownload

Download the demo.exe, unzip it on your computer and copy the pak0.pak to your SD card in your phone, like it is stated on the webpage.

Then start Quake2 on your phone and play it.[/quote:2vn1blc0]

Hello I am new in Dive and I really like the Project !!! THX - but I have the same problem with ZIP Exception and the link isn't available anymore. Can someone provide me the right pak0 and the other files? I tried it with original pak0 from the net, but it has no split screen. THANKs A LOT !!!
Additional I would appreciate if its possible to download and install Quake2 in Drive Launcher app - link is missing too.

Edit: I got a solution. Just download .exe on your pc and open it with file manager and unzip it. In the install folder u will find all files you need ;) so no link needed anymore ...


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Joined: 16.10.2014

Re: Quake 2

by jamesd256 on Nov 26th, 2014 23:24 PM


Is it just me or is the convergence all wrong? All other SBS software/content I have used works fine, but for me the stereo spread is too wide, and it is quite a strain for my eyes to adjust to.



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Joined: 26.11.2014

Re: Quake 2

by 먹튀검증 on May 17th, 2021 11:31 AM

This article is very interesting information. It has helped me a lot. 먹튀검증 Thank you very much for providing this quality information in an easy-to-understand manner. Our site also provides high-quality information, so it will be helpful for your site. 먹튀검증


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Re: Quake 2

by starboyerw4445 on Jun 24th, 2022 10:23 AM

i played Quake 2 a long time ago now i been playing most fnf mods  games from Friday Night Funking game series....


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