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WIP: Island Demo

WIP: Island Demo

by kwx on Jul 30th, 2013 19:49 PM



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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by Stefan on Aug 7th, 2013 20:48 PM

cool. will check it out with a fast device tonight.
I will also release a list on to do and not to do on android to achieve high framerates.


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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by kwx on Aug 7th, 2013 23:50 PM



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Joined: 19.07.2013

Re: WIP: Island Demo

by Joo on Aug 9th, 2013 21:47 PM

could it be that the tracking is deactivated in the current version?

also the viewing distance is pretty far off... i have to narrow it down about 10 units on my htc one s, which has a resolution of 960x540 on a 4.3 inch display

apart from that great demo!

The rollercoaster one looks cool too, but again the distance is too far off to be actually used with the dive


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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by kwx on Aug 9th, 2013 22:32 PM



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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by Joo on Aug 11th, 2013 20:23 PM

"kwx" wrote:
I just verified v0.4 of the island demo, the tracking does work for me. Do you have anything blocking use of the sensors? I vaguely remember that running the standalone NativeSensors app could cause this - it's only needed for Quake2, not for the Unity-based apps which include their own sensor handling. Try rebooting?

The roller coaster is still in early stages, which is why I haven't posted about it yet.(*) You can adjust pupil distance and FOV by tapping the screen, left/right quarter and top/bottom quarter respectively. It doesn't use joystick/keyboard input at this point.

When you say the viewing distance is off, do you mean the horizontal pupil distance, or the overall field of view? If you have access to your device logs(**), I'd be curious about how it identifies the scale for your device. It uses the device xdpi setting to convert pixels to physical dimensions, and apparently some devices misreport that. Something like this:

I/native-activity( 5225)&#58; xdpi&#58; 315&#46;310333<br />I/native-activity( 5225)&#58; getRotation&#58; 1<br />I/native-activity( 5225)&#58; pupilDist&#58; 68&#46;0 mm, 844 pixels<br />

(*) I'm also not sure if this is technically the right forum for it, since I'm not using the Dive software or hardware. Stefan, are you ok with postings here about general Android apps for DIY HMD setups, or would you prefer if those moved to a more appropriate forum such as mtbs3d?

(**) More about getting logs from a phone: https://code.google.com/p/hackerskeyboa ... temLogData

I tried again, also after reboot, still no headtracking.

Getting a systemlog with aLogcat wasn't really succesfull, only recorded some memalloc stuff. Maybe i try with real usb debugging some time, currently i don't have any dev tools on the pc.

In the island demo, the distance between a distant object on the left and right image is ~72mm, in the OpenDive3D Demo app/Quake it's more like 45-50mm. My lenses probably are setup to compensate for the narrow distance, since playing quake for ~1 hour really works quite well.


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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by kwx on Aug 11th, 2013 23:14 PM

Do the other Unity-based demos have. working head tracking on your device? I can't really help much there, not sure what's going on inside Stefan's nativesensors.so plugin.

For the eye distance, it seems like the device's reported xdpi is slightly off, increasing the 68mm default to 72mm. Generally having this too large is worse than too small, but I think there's not really a good default - the Dive demos are all unusable on my Nexus 7. This really needs to be an adjustable setting to match the user's pupil distance, lens setup, and device.

I think it would be useful to standardize intents for getting/setting these preferences with systemwide persistent storage, so that it doesn't need to be adjusted separately in each app. And having a single calibration app would be easier than adding logic to each app separately.


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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by Joo on Aug 12th, 2013 07:05 AM

i agree that systemwide configuration would be great, although for most normal 4.3-5.5 inch phones the standard settings usually worked fine.

back to the tracking: the demos 0.1 to 0.3 all work great, as do the other open dive demos, so I don't really know what's going on. the filename doesn't include the name dive... maybe it's just the wrong build that is online?


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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by kwx on Aug 12th, 2013 19:27 PM

"Joo" wrote:
i agree that systemwide configuration would be great, although for most normal 4.3-5.5 inch phones the standard settings usually worked fine.

I think that it's a bad idea to have non-adjustable defaults that kind of work, especially with all the variations in screen sizes. For example, the field of view will only be correct for a specific screen size and lens config. If the FOV is slightly off, this isn't totally obvious, but the result is that the geometry gets warped. This leads to worse immersion and much increased risk of nausea, as the world seems to wobble and deform while looking around.

It's easier if you have consistent hardware (i.e. the Oculus Rift), but given the big variability in DIY setups IMHO it may be preferable if the defaults are obviously wrong so that people get forced to go through calibration, instead of having a poor experience with a misadjusted setup.

"Joo" wrote:
back to the tracking: the demos 0.1 to 0.3 all work great, as do the other open dive demos, so I don't really know what's going on. the filename doesn't include the name dive... maybe it's just the wrong build that is online?

The filename is a red herring, I wasn't being consistent when manually renaming it. One change was that I had activated the Unity Pro Trial recently, it's possible that this is the difference between builds 0.3 and 0.4. I'll see if I can revert that.


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Re: WIP: Island Demo

by OmegaNexusMx on Aug 29th, 2013 06:05 AM

In the island demo I didn't get head tracking. In the RC I got head tracking.
In both demos I noticed that the images were too wide apart, they didn't merge in the center and thus they did not create the 3D effect for me.


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