Dive Board

Demanding iOS support

Demanding iOS support

by taphos on Aug 23rd, 2013 21:08 PM

Ive received a dev kit on gamescom. when i got back to the hotel, i wanted to try the device out. it was a great disappointment for me when i understood that there is no iphone support. no games, no unity plugin :(


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Joined: 23.08.2013

Re: Demanding iOS support

by Stefan on Aug 24th, 2013 07:08 AM

As stated at gamescom Iphone support is in development by me.

Make your game, compile it for Android first and then compile for Iphone later.


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Joined: 30.06.2013


Re: Demanding iOS support

by rudemom on Aug 24th, 2013 08:26 AM

Do you mean consumer support?
That would mean we made a mistake giving the OpenDive to you. We wanted to give away free Dives only to developers - and apparently nobody checked on you using IOS.
I'm sorry, are you still around and could bring it back?


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Joined: 30.06.2013

Re: Demanding iOS support

by taphos on Aug 24th, 2013 11:17 AM

"rudemom" wrote:
That would mean we made a mistake giving the OpenDive to you.

Do you know consumers who would use Unity plugin? Were your mom so rude that you are now rude with people?
If you are dive developer, I have no wish to cooperate with you.


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Joined: 23.08.2013

Re: Demanding iOS support

by taphos on Aug 24th, 2013 13:17 PM

Stefan, why not use Unity standard way to access sensors instead of an additional plugin?
http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/S ... scope.html
http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/S ... mpass.html

Or it doesnt provide the required reaction speed?


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Joined: 23.08.2013

Re: Demanding iOS support

by Stefan on Aug 26th, 2013 14:01 PM

I am on Iphone support.
The standard way of getting orientation is not fast enough for dive at least on android. Also there are some special things by me inside the plugin.
Anyway I am definately on it, the mac mini is standing at my desk, as well as an ipod. I've never programmed mac before but its no problem. I'm gonna write the plugin next week I guess and then I hope everythings fine.
Remember though that the Mac devices , Ipod and iphone have a very small screen that is not optimal for 3d gaming.


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Re: Demanding iOS support

by rudemom on Aug 26th, 2013 14:30 PM

Hi taphos,

sorry for the inconvenience - I think we kind of met yesterday or on Saturday at gamescom (at least I saw you talking to Stefan and he told me you settled the iOS issue)? I'm Stefan's wife - and, true, that was a little rude*. Do you accept my apologies?


*My former standard user name was "rudegirl", but since meanwhile there are two kids, I thought "rudemom" might be more appropriate...


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Re: Demanding iOS support

by taphos on Sep 9th, 2013 11:00 AM

Rudemom, apologies accepted.
Meanwhile here is a version of OpenDiveSensor.cs which should work on all platforms which have gyroscope and compass.
It detects fast movements with gyroscope and correcting the direction with slower compass. It probably still have some bugs, but im working on it.

<br />using UnityEngine;<br /><br />//OpenDive HEad Tracking for Unity by Stefan Welker<br />public class OpenDiveSensor &#58; MonoBehaviour {<br />	double lastCompassUpdateTime = 0;	<br />	Quaternion correction = Quaternion&#46;identity;	<br />	Quaternion targetCorrection = Quaternion&#46;identity;	<br />	Quaternion compassOrientation = Quaternion&#46;identity;		<br />	<br />	void Start()		<br />	{<br />		Screen&#46;sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout&#46;NeverSleep;<br />		Input&#46;gyro&#46;enabled = true;		<br />		Input&#46;compass&#46;enabled = true;		<br />	}<br />			<br />	void Update()		<br />	{	<br />		Quaternion gyroOrientation = Quaternion&#46;Euler (90, 0, 0) * Input&#46;gyro&#46;attitude * Quaternion&#46;Euler(0, 0, 90);		<br />		if (Input&#46;compass&#46;timestamp &gt; lastCompassUpdateTime)<br />		{			<br />			lastCompassUpdateTime = Input&#46;compass&#46;timestamp;<br />			Vector3 gravity = Input&#46;gyro&#46;gravity&#46;normalized;<br />			<br />			Vector3 flatNorth = Input&#46;compass&#46;rawVector - Vector3&#46;Dot(gravity, Input&#46;compass&#46;rawVector) * gravity;<br />			compassOrientation = Quaternion&#46;Euler (180, 0, 0) * Quaternion&#46;Inverse(Quaternion&#46;LookRotation(flatNorth, -gravity)) * Quaternion&#46;Euler (0, 0, 90);<br /><br />			targetCorrection = compassOrientation * Quaternion&#46;Inverse(gyroOrientation);	<br />		}<br /><br />		if (Quaternion&#46;Angle(correction, targetCorrection) &gt; 45)<br />			correction = targetCorrection;<br />		else<br />			correction = Quaternion&#46;Slerp(correction, targetCorrection, 0&#46;02f);<br /><br />		transform&#46;rotation = correction * gyroOrientation;<br />		transform&#46;rotation *= Quaternion&#46;AngleAxis(90f, Vector3&#46;forward);		<br />	}<br />}<br />


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Re: Demanding iOS support

by Stefan on Sep 29th, 2013 15:23 PM

iOS Plugin support is now available:



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Joined: 30.06.2013


Re: Demanding iOS support

by John on Dec 3rd, 2013 09:59 AM

Did anyone ever get the FOV2GO package in the Unity Asset store working with iOS? I didn't.


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