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About Snakebyte idroid:com

About Snakebyte idroid:com

by visualizer on Nov 29th, 2013 15:22 PM


After reseachting several hours to get a Snakebyte idroid:com game controller to work with Unity we must give up here!!!

This is what you are telling on your Webside: http://www.durovis.com/opendive-howto.html
"As the motion sensors only allow for the rotation of the player in the game, an external controller is necessary to run forward. One controller that works with Android is the snakebyte idroid:con controller, which can emulate a keyboard."

But even if we map the keys "x" & "B" for "Horizontal" and "Y" & "A" for "Vertical" within Unity input settings and then start the Snakebyte controller in the keyboard mode, Unity do not receive any interaction from the controller.

So Stefan or any other coder freaks, would you please left the secret behind to all of us??
What must be done to get that work?



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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by Salmo on Nov 30th, 2013 08:01 AM


what version of unity are you using ?

i've run into problems with buttons with unity 4.3 (the current last one).
After getting crazy for a few hours, i reverted back to 4.2.2 (i think) and buttons got to work again. It seems that they made some changes in the unity engine on joystick between 4.2.2 and 4.3 (see log, their is something like "android: improve joystick compatibility".

I use defaut mapping settings:
Name: Fire1
Positive Button: joystick button 1
Gravity: 1000
Dead: 0.001
Sensitivity: 1000
Type: Key or Mouse Button



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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by JustMeDaFaq on Jun 18th, 2014 11:25 AM

Jep, seems like Unity 4.3 and higher got some problems with the idroid:con. Im also stucking at 4.2.2 :/


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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by jpslara on Jun 18th, 2014 13:59 PM

Any advance in understand about this problems with idroid, With actual Unity version, Input only recognizes right cross buttons as joystick buttons from 15 to 18, and L2 button as joystick button 19, but other buttons are not mapped. Left cross buttons and right joystick are recognizes in Unity a axis 3,4,5 and 6.

any one know how to user the other buttons? select, start, L1, L3, R1, R2 and R3?


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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by JustMeDaFaq on Jun 18th, 2014 16:01 PM

"jpslara" wrote:
Any advance in understand about this problems with idroid, With actual Unity version, Input only recognizes right cross buttons as joystick buttons from 15 to 18, and L2 button as joystick button 19, but other buttons are not mapped. Left cross buttons and right joystick are recognizes in Unity a axis 3,4,5 and 6.

any one know how to user the other buttons? select, start, L1, L3, R1, R2 and R3?

I dont think its possible to get idroid working on any Unity Version higher then 4.2. For testing and mapping Inputs, im using something like this for getting the keycode of any button which is actually pressed:

void OnGUI() {
Event getme = Event.current;
if (getme.isKey)
Debug.Log("Detected key code: " + getme.keyCode);


to detect buttons. And something similiar to detect axis. Tho since unty 4.3(and higher) it just does not recognized the input of some buttons. So i dont think theyre will be a workaround until unity fixes it itselfs.


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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by dboxvr on Jun 18th, 2014 17:03 PM

Does Unity know about any of this? I'm finding it a bit frustrating. Updating to Windows 8.1 broke Unity. There is a a fix, but even it doesn't always work and Unity seems to freeze all the time. Now their new update makes the controller not work?


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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by jpslara on Jun 18th, 2014 17:17 PM

void OnGUI() {
Event getme = Event.current;
if (getme.isKey)
Debug.Log("Detected key code: " + getme.keyCode);

Thank you, I will try to test if this code let me know what button are pressed.


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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by jpslara on Jun 19th, 2014 11:02 AM

hi, I have tested the function OnGUI and Event.current, and the result are the same that using Input. Unity don't detect several buttons from idroid:con snakebyte.


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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by JustMeDaFaq on Jun 19th, 2014 11:12 AM

"jpslara" wrote:
hi, I have tested the function OnGUI and Event.current, and the result are the same that using Input. Unity don't detect several buttons from idroid:con snakebyte.

Yeah, as i said =) Unity needs to fix it, we can do nothing, sadly :/


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Re: About Snakebyte idroid:com

by AlexRoudos on Oct 6th, 2014 17:53 PM

This is my latest post to the Quake 2 thread about idroid. Some more interesting info is included as well.

"I have tried the quick and dirty solution by forenbenutzer in page 4 and it worked immediately without any keys assigning from within Quake, on my idroid controller. I used Stephan's cfg. Finally it was fun to play the game. I don't mind the need to be standing up as it is more natural for me :)

By the way there is a Native SBS for Android app https://plus.google.com/communities/117 ... 6006925326

It turns everything into SBS, even the home screen. It works accurately with a wireless or bt mouse, not with touch though. It doesn't fill the whole screen and doesn't support distortion(coming to the next updates) but still it is the only available option in this direction.

From the members-testers on the group there's only a few that got it working on their phones.

My personal experience is that i almost bricked for good my S4 Active in which it never worked until it's current version. But my new LG G3 (D855) works perfectly with the stock rom, and this is super important. It only needs root which is very easy with stump root. I had quite a lot of fun playing Modern Combat 4(supports Gyroscope movement) with a PS3 controller using this app.

The higher resolution of the G3 makes SDE even less pronounced, and you really have to focus on it to see it."


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