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Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by gioy808 on Dec 9th, 2013 15:29 PM
I try to explain how you play 3D with your Durovis Dive and your mobile Phone with external Graphic Acceleration from your Computer
So there are e few Steps you have to do, to make streaming full working with maximal Performance,
- Enable USB Tethering to stream via USB ( Larger Bandwith, better Performance and Image Quality then WLAN )
-Okay, now download the Splashtop Streamer to your Computer and install it.
--Download the fps.reg from Attachement ( It will improve Framerate in Splashtop Streaming )
-Download Splashtop Client APK, there is the THD and HD, Basically the same, but i prefer the THD Version ( just Google for it like, splashtop thd apk ) because
you can hide there any Button for a full and a clear Screen .
-If you get a Blackscreen or abort generally in the Android Client App, try Settings Compatible Mode
-Download FreePIE ( for Head Movement Mouse Emulation in Shooter Games for example )
After Installation, go into the Install - Directory and search for the " com.freepie.android.imu.apk " , copy what to your Phone and install it.
http://andersmalmgren.github.io/FreePIE/ ( MSI Installer )
Dowload the Script for Mouse Emulation from Attachement .( I explain later )
-Download TriDef3D and install it.
So there are some Conflict with Splashtop and TriDef we can eliminate.
The Problem ist Splashtop wont's stream in Fullscreen 3D and TriDef cant be used in Windowed Mode,
but there is a easy Way to make it run.
Just Rightclick on the Game Executable you want to play and go to the Compatibility Tab,
Tap there " Disable Desktop Composition " + " Disable Visual Effects " .
Now Drag the .exe or the Shortcut of it into the TriDef3D Game Launcher
( Start TriDef3D .. at the right the Gamepad icon)
If you have even Problems with Blackscreens in Combination of Splashtop and TriDef, then try
to start the game at first and Splashtop after.
-Start Game
-Start Splashtop
-Go Back to Game
I hope it helps, for me it is a good Way to start 3D SBS in combination of Spashtop,
some Applications/Games don't need this method but iam just showing the "safe" Way.
-Okay, now back to FreePIE.
Basically it's easy but i'am not good at it yet, but i can you explain how you can do mouse emulation for the most of games with
a very impressive Effect. You just need to Start the Application on the Computer click " Open " >> mouse.py ( File from Attachement )
When something goes wrong make sure the Scipt look like this ( I mean the free Spaces after def update(): / if starting:
for example, but normally it should be all fine when you just load it.
Inverted Axis ?
Then just remove the minus from -android[0] from both Axis yaw / roll
Now it's done, click Script >> Start, start the apk on your Android Smartphone and go ingame with an amazing Virtual Reality 3D Experience !
Good Luck, i hope this helped a few People !!gioy808
Posts: 18
Joined: 08.12.2013
Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by pitt976 on Dec 10th, 2013 12:56 PM
Wonderful ! Thank you very much !
I will give it a try this evening !
Maybe the fps.reg actually increases the Framerate/Latency.pitt976
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Salmo on Dec 10th, 2013 14:09 PM
this seems to be a free alternative for SBS injection
though i've not tried itSalmo
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by hoeybaby on Dec 10th, 2013 16:47 PM
it seems the attachment links are not working... where else can i get the attachment files
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by gioy808 on Dec 10th, 2013 22:41 PM
Here, the attached files mirrored on uploaded
mouse scipt:
fps reg key:
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Joined: 08.12.2013
Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Oliver on Dec 11th, 2013 00:34 AM
Moin zusammen,
das kann doch wer bestimmt mal auf deutsch übersetzen oder?
Mein englisch ist leider nicht so gut...
Schade das bei einem deutschen Produkt immer nur auf englisch geschrieben wird.
Ok, ok, ich weis, internationales Produkt... ...wäre trotzdem nett.
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Moerf on Dec 11th, 2013 10:24 AM
Hello everyone,
really nice to see, that I am not the only one trying this ^^ and thanks to the OP for starting this thread and writing a guide!
I already have a passive 3D monitor at home, but this really is something different. Sadly though at least with my tests so far the quality also with Splashtop ist not really satisfactory at the moment.
A few notes and hints for the Guide.
@Splashtop Fullscreen: This is only a problem when you are using an ATI graphics card. NVidia will play fullscreen with Splashtop. But thank you for the workaround. I did not know this.
@Alternative SBS/3D Programs: Currently I think TriDef is "King" of 3D enablement. I tried to use native 3D of some programs and they were not even closely as good as TriDef. I think the guys there really know what they are doing. Also they have a tight ear to the ground - the community and listen to what they have to say. For example they have their 30 day trial which some other programs don't have and also a beta version for the Rift.
@TriDef and SBS in general: There is a hotizontal compression of the image's size, as e.g. TriDef expects both images to be stretched over the whole of the 3D monitor which is not the case with our smartphones. A passive 3d Monitor normally is interlaced, that is why this is the case. At the moment I do not know how to circumvent this problem but I am sure I can find out or the devs over at TriDef will know how to do this or implement a feature for that.
@Alternative Streamers: I am sure it was already mentioned somewhere there is also Kainy for Streaming. The only problem is it's image quality is not good enough at the moment. But also there the one dev seems to be receptive to input from his users. So when I had time to test the new version which came out 2 days ago I will probably write an email to him to ask if he can implement a lossless image stream quality mode especially for Dive or similar systems users.
Ah and I forgot - Kainy also does support the smartphone as an input device. So it should be possible to use the smartphones Gyros and such. But I also did not have time to test that. Actually this calls for a separate thread I think.
Google Translate bietet eine ziemlich gute Übersetzung.
Nur der Satz "Strom das Problem IST Splashtop gewohnt im Vollbild-3D-und TriDef kann nicht in Fenster-Modus verwendet werden," ist "kaputt", der soll heißen:
Es gibt eine Konflikte zwischen Splashtop und Tridef. Das Problem ist, dass Splashtop nicht im Vollbild streamt und TriDef nicht im Fenster-Modus verwendet werden kann.
Many greetingsMoerf
Posts: 21
Joined: 10.12.2013
Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by gioy808 on Dec 12th, 2013 14:34 PM
@Alternative Streamers: I am sure it was already mentioned somewhere there is also Kainy for Streaming. The only problem is it's image quality is not good enough at the moment. But also there the one dev seems to be receptive to input from his users. So when I had time to test the new version which came out 2 days ago I will probably write an email to him to ask if he can implement a lossless image stream quality mode especially for Dive or similar systems users.
Ah and I forgot - Kainy also does support the smartphone as an input device. So it should be possible to use the smartphones Gyros and such. But I also did not have time to test that. Actually this calls for a separate thread I think.
i also seen the alternative kainy but i dont own the full version , and got no chance to test ist , the demo Version just give me a color washed image . may kainy is the better choice, the direct input over gyro sounds also nice to me , but i was forced to find an other solution.
when you try this a little bit out , please report , i am very interested. maybe there is a difference in frame rate an latency in each program, it feels in sphlaahtop around 20 FPS, in fast scenes you reconignize this.
when you got some ideas to improve this , let me know .gioy808
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by gioy808 on Dec 12th, 2013 14:41 PM
@Oliver , alles verstanden ? Falls Fragen , Pn
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Re: Durovis Dive Play Computer Games Easy Step Guide
by Oliver on Dec 14th, 2013 20:54 PM
Klappt alles soweit, danke für die Beschreibung.
Ich habe aber Probleme das das Bild umspringt, wenn ich ganz weit nach rechts oder links gucke.
Habe bemerkt das es daran liegen könnte, dass wenn das Programm läuft wo das Handy den Mauszeiger steuert, der Mauszeiger wenn er am rechten/linken Bildschirmrand ist auf der entsprechenden anderen Seite wieder auftaucht.
Also ich schaue nach rechts bis der Mauszeiger den rechten Bildrand erreicht, wenn ich dann weiter nach rechts schaue springt er zum linken rand (bzw. kommt dort wieder raus).
Ist halt nervig, da ich mich so nur in einen bestimmten bereich umsehen kann.
Des weiteren habe ich das Problem das der Blick mit der dive nicht syncron ist.
Das heißt, wenn ich mit der dive 90° nach rechts schaue macht er auf dem Rechner eine 160° Drehung (oder mehr) nach rechts.Oliver
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