Dive Board

Playing SBS 3D MAC Games and Demos using Iphone 5 / Durovis

Playing SBS 3D MAC Games and Demos using Iphone 5 / Durovis

by Kregore on Dec 31st, 2013 00:51 AM

Hey Guys,

i found a easy way to play SBS 3D games and famous demos on your MAC with your iphone and the Durovis Dive.

Big problem was the slow connection of most display sharing apps and slow Wifi connection.

What i am using for my gaming solution:
Macbook Air OSX 10.9
Iphone 5 with actual iOS 7
The Application Display Pad
Snakebyte idroid Gamepad connected in mode 2and3 to the mac

What works:
Fast direct connection to Display Video data via USB cable, no wifi and really low latency :-)
Great iphone 5 display resolution.
Using the irdroid gamepad to play.
Nice Dive View with low latency.

What not works:
I work on a connection to get the head tracker information from the iphone to the mac as secondary joystick.
If someone knows a fast way, please give me / us a hint.

How To:
Get the display pad app from the app store for your iphone (I´m not related to that guys, just tested the best solution with the lowest latency)
Download the display pad mac client from their website.

Activate personal hotspot on your iphone.
Connect your iphone via mac network connection by usb sync cable.
Check in network connections if iphone usb is connected and a if ip address is assigned.

Start the iphone app and start the display pad app.
After that you can click the display pad app on your upper task bar and connect to your iphone.
If you want to be sure that the phone connects by usb you can turn bluetooth and wifi connection off.
Change Mac Resolution to 1366 x 768 and synchronize the Displays for easy use (small frame around your macs display)

Now you can start your SidebySide 3D Games.
Of course you need to put your phone into the dive glasses.

I have already created a short Video but i used the riftoon demo, so i´m not sure if it is ok to upload it to youtube or vimeo.

Have fun diving



Posts: 3

Joined: 28.12.2013


Re: Playing SBS 3D MAC Games and Demos using Iphone 5 / Durovis

by VHenry09 on Dec 1st, 2021 12:38 PM

[color=#000000][size=2][font=Arial]After a long wait, Durovis Dive has finally been released for iOS devices. The application allows users to play SBS 3D games and demos using their iPhone 5 or other compatible devices. So you can get best assignment writers uk some new things about the study. This is the perfect app if you’ve ever wanted to use your phone as a virtual reality device! Keep reading for more information about how this works and what it can do.[/font][/size][/color]


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Joined: 01.12.2021

Re: Playing SBS 3D MAC Games and Demos using Iphone 5 / Durovis

by BrandonK01 on Feb 9th, 2022 13:39 PM

In this article I will explain how to play SBS 3D games on iPhone 5. Here I will give you some simple ways with which you can play this game. You can see more here tips about the construction. Many mobile phone users may want to play games on their android devices. But sometimes you want to play some games on your iPhone or iPad. In this case, you will use your mobile phone to play games.


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Joined: 09.02.2022

Re: Playing SBS 3D MAC Games and Demos using Iphone 5 / Durovis

by yehexe2658@luxiu2.com on Feb 22nd, 2022 08:24 AM

Thanks for sharing this article.


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Joined: 22.02.2022

Re: Playing SBS 3D MAC Games and Demos using Iphone 5 / Durovis

by Remington on Apr 10th, 2023 16:12 PM

Unfortunately, the iPhone 5 is an older model and may not be compatible with the latest games and demos that are designed for newer iPhone models. However,[color=#000000][size=2][font=Arial]Shop best refurbished iMac online in UK[/font][/size][/color] there are still some games and demos that may be compatible with them.


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Joined: 09.11.2022


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