Dive Board

angrybots for dive

angrybots for dive

by jpslara on Apr 20th, 2014 13:50 PM

Hi, I have modified the demo angrybots from Unity to work as First Person in SBS, here you get a link in case you can try it.

https://mega.co.nz/#!pUwwSZDS!MDStMhi3F ... uOh5dfvi0o

I hope you enjoy this change.


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Joined: 27.12.2013


Re: angrybots for dive

by nente002 on Apr 20th, 2014 20:14 PM

Thanks! Downloading now.. :D


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Joined: 16.04.2014


Re: angrybots for dive

by thief6666 on Apr 21st, 2014 01:36 AM

Any chance for dropbox download? I hate this MEGA thing....


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Re: angrybots for dive

by jpslara on Apr 21st, 2014 09:16 AM

"thief6666" wrote:
Any chance for dropbox download? I hate this MEGA thing....

Sorry, but I have not another way.


Posts: 80

Joined: 27.12.2013


Re: angrybots for dive

by jjggaitan on Apr 21st, 2014 10:40 AM

Really cool! I've enjoyed it a lot, probably the best game I've tried for dive


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Joined: 28.12.2013


Re: angrybots for dive

by Kusie on May 1st, 2014 12:38 PM

How do I shoot with the snakebyte idroid controller?
Whatever mode I choose, it doesn't work. I can only shoot by tapping the screen.


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Joined: 06.12.2013


Re: angrybots for dive

by jpslara on May 1st, 2014 17:33 PM

"Kusie" wrote:
How do I shoot with the snakebyte idroid controller?
Whatever mode I choose, it doesn't work. I can only shoot by tapping the screen.

Sorry, I donde Knowles how snakebyte work no unity. I have tested with ps3 gamepad. And this is reconice as fire1.
I have test with a usb generic gamepad and I need to use keyboard 15 for the sale boton that ps3 use as keyboard 0. I am yet trying to un understand how to la me a generic control. I suppost that each Phone gamepad must mapped some keys to work alwais in the same mode.
persphaps se can try to la me some kind of tutoral to mal keys from any gamepad.

Some ideas?

Excuseme I am writting from my Phone and my spanish keyboard is boder me.


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Joined: 27.12.2013


Re: angrybots for dive

by Sephiroth on May 1st, 2014 17:57 PM

Gamepads are probably one of the biggest problems we're going to have developing games for the Dive. Pretty much every controller is configured differently. There is no standard, although Google has recently purchased a company that manufactures gamepads, so that could change in the future.

At the moment we have three options :

1. Only support specific gamepads.

2. Provide a way for the player to configure the controller mapping with something like cInput

3. Or perhaps the InControl Unity plugin that tries to standardize the input from all input sources -> ( http://u3d.as/content/gallant-games/in-control/6mr )

I bought InControl last night and had a quick play with it. Only took a bit of modification of the Dive scripts to get it working. So far only tested with a Moga Pro controller and a USB keyboard. I can test a Chinese PS3 gamepad clone tonight. The developers have said they haven't found an incompatible Android controller yet. :)


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Re: angrybots for dive

by jpslara on May 2nd, 2014 09:23 AM

"Sephiroth" wrote:
Gamepads are probably...)

Thank you for this information. I try to test as soon as i can.


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Joined: 27.12.2013


Re: angrybots for dive

by Sephiroth on May 2nd, 2014 12:04 PM

Continuing the gamepad chat over here :) viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2741


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