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New project Lapso

New project Lapso

by koshuke on May 6th, 2014 18:01 PM

Hello again to all
We are immersed in creating apps for VR like crazy.
We have a few demos of tests we are doing and the truth is that the possibilities are incredible.
Here we want to leave an app in progress that will be called Lapse.
It is a semi-platforms game in which the environment is completely apart, there are some indestructible "safe" areas in which to pause until its reconstruction and to follow the path.
The music we are using is an example of which we intend to use in the final version.
It's pretty simple but the feeling is awesome.
We use many polygons and fear that down so dramatic experience low midrange phone.
This tested on a Galaxy note 3 working perfectly
Greetings to all and thanks



Posts: 6

Joined: 20.03.2014


Re: New project Lapso

by nente002 on May 6th, 2014 19:02 PM

Works on HTC ONE, I'll post a update as soon as I have played the game.
Thanks for this demo :-)


Posts: 60

Joined: 16.04.2014


Re: New project Lapso

by bbennett22 on May 6th, 2014 21:53 PM

thanks a lot for the demo! That was a lot of fun! It worked great on my nexus 5. The visuals were really cool... can't wait to try out more of it! keep up the great work


Posts: 43

Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: New project Lapso

by koshuke on May 16th, 2014 11:28 AM

Here is one update for lapso.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/504 ... o%20V2.apk


Posts: 6

Joined: 20.03.2014


Re: New project Lapso

by decoydk on May 17th, 2014 18:22 PM

The world comes apart beautifully. Made me think of inception, or maybe what I imagine a mushroom trip to be like.
I'm useing a Samsung bt gamepad, am I missing out on crouch or jump buttons ? Because I really missed a way to duck down on that drawbridge, and jump even if it's just what the avrage person can jump would really add to immersion.
Great game, i can't wait to see what happens on the other side of the bridge.
Thank you for making this
I will follow this game with great interest


Posts: 2

Joined: 16.05.2014


Re: New project Lapso

by parzival on May 19th, 2014 21:27 PM

Really cool demo! runs smoothly on my HTC One, thanks!


Posts: 35

Joined: 09.05.2014



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