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VR Combat Flight, Missions, 2nd Plane... very large update

VR Combat Flight, Missions, 2nd Plane... very large update

by JayRay on May 9th, 2014 13:35 PM

a new update for the VR Combat flight game is aviable now.
It contains varius new content:

-animated pilot body
-2nd Plane
-2 missions
-ranking system (gold, silver or bronze medal for completed mission)
-trees (customize tree number in graphic setup)
-mission description scene
-faster loading on new missions
-new video tutorial (explanis how to reload and complete missions)

-view direction at start (now watching to the front)

It is a preview to the full version with varius missions wich will be on play store during the next weeks.
I hope you enjoy it!



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Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: VR Combat Flight, Missions, 2nd Plane... very large upda

by bbennett22 on May 9th, 2014 17:20 PM

wow... talk about an update!!! This is leaps and bounds better than the original demo. there were 2 things that really stuck out when I played the game. The first was the audio. Even in the level select area, when I turned my head to look around, the record's sound changed to match where it was... so cool! The same thing happened with the engine noise, which I thought was really cool. The second thing that really stuck out for me was the glass on the second plane. The texture for the glass was a really nice touch. I kept looking at that instead of where I was flying the plane :) Animated pilot is an awesome addition as well. One thing I did notice is that the plane seems to fly slow. I have 0 piloting skills/experience so I am not really basing this off of anything. It might be because there isn't a lot of signals to give you a sense of speed, but I just feel a little slow in the plane

the only suggestions I have are with the controls/menus. It took a while for me to figure out what setup to use to get my ps3/sixaxis setup to work. I finally went with keyboard emulation and used the custom keyboard to set it up the way I wanted. Took some trial and error which may discourage some people from playing. The other minor gripe is the buttons. I;m not sure if its because they are so small on my nexus 5 screen, but I had trouble clicking on some of the buttons. especially when i was trying to get back to the menu from in the game. the button was in the upper left, my phone was in my hmd, and i couldn't for the life of me press the button. I had to take my phone out (first world problems, i know!) to press the button.

Overall, I thought this was a tremendous experience. For a while I thought the refugio plane demo was far superior to yours... I have whole heartedly changed my mind! Keep up the great work!

oh, is it possible to land back on the carrier? I tried, but failed miserably.. it was fantastic! :)


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Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: VR Combat Flight, Missions, 2nd Plane... very large upda

by JayRay on May 9th, 2014 18:31 PM

Hey bbennett22,
thank you for your suggestions. it is great to hear that you like this game :D

You can land back on the carrier ship. try to fly with very low speed and land very softly. the video tutorial explains how to land (there is a button for it on the first screen). once landed on the ship you can reload your ammo or finish the mission.

to your suggestions:
i, know the controls setup is not that easy. but it is very hard to make a android game wich works with nearly every controler or keyboard. there are so many different kind of cotrollers with different mappings. so the keyboard mapping figures out to be the only thing that works with nearly every device. i give a try to make it a little more intuitive on later updates. but i am very happy that it works with your ps3 controller!
About the buttons:
on devices wich have a high resulution display like your google nexus the buttons are very small. this is a compromise to older smartphones like a samsung galaxy s2 where the buttons appear very big over the whole screen. i had to find a way that works for both, high and low resolution displays. maybe i write some new code for gui buttons to size them in releationship to the device screen on later updates. the "menu" button to get back to the menu is only designed to go back and quit the game after you have finished playing. when you completed a mission and land back on the airfield shut down your engine. a message appears and you can go back to the menu scene by pressing a button without taking your phone out of the headset.


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: VR Combat Flight, Missions, 2nd Plane... very large upda

by bbennett22 on May 14th, 2014 19:43 PM

Just finished playing a longer session. Had a blast now that I have my controller set up for it. I had a blast playing the game. The second level is by far my favorite. I watched the tutorial this time so landing was pretty easy. I got rookie on both levels.... Probably didn't help that I smashed into the fence attempting to land after completing lvl 1. So glad you actually have to land to end the lvl. It wasn't til I finished that I noticed my medals at the lvl select screen. Nice touch! I'm really looking forward to the rest of the game. I have a coworker who loves a game on his phone where you try and land a plane during different scenarios. I made him play this and he was blown away


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Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: VR Combat Flight, Missions, 2nd Plane... very large upda

by Motawa on May 21st, 2014 19:16 PM

why no ps3 controller support


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Joined: 21.05.2014


Re: VR Combat Flight, Missions, 2nd Plane... very large upda

by bbennett22 on May 22nd, 2014 21:18 PM

motawa, if you use the six axis app, and run the controller as a keyboard it works fine. if you need any help getting it working I'd be happy to help


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Joined: 12.02.2014


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