Dive Board

DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

by parzival on May 22nd, 2014 18:14 PM

Ok guys, this one is a little different. I took the amazing UnityGB gameboy emulator created by takohi games (http://www.takohi.com/unity-assets/) , added the Super Mario Land gameboy rom and integrated it into a small room environment ... end result , pretty cool :)

The only problem that i'm having is the script causes my framerate to drop to at least 40-45fps at most times and sometimes slower. Without the gameboy script running the room runs at 60fps always , but once enabled it slows considerably. I've tried a few other roms and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

anyways, give it a try and let me know what you think. how does it run on your phone? etc..

If you like it and would like to see a specific gameboy game let me know and i'll make one

UPDATE: new version tweaked a bit from the original:
https://mega.co.nz/#!noZSWJqR!DB385LQB1 ... afYdQE4KWc

i'll keep the old version if you like that one better:
https://mega.co.nz/#!uphQXDwR!w9De6Jmy3 ... MuX4PayWj0



Posts: 35

Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

by bbennett22 on May 22nd, 2014 21:17 PM

that was pretty sweet. I have a nexus 5 phone and it was running at 46-49 fps. the game was running just a tad slow, but it was cool to play a gameboy on what seemed like a giant screen. The room itself was beautiful! I thought the screen seemed larger than the one on the go show app. my only complaint was that I couldn't move myself, and was stuck in the corner of the room. if you had mer sitting on that nice couch with the coffee table in front of me and the tv in front of me, I would definitely have felt immersed. the artwork on the walls, and everything in general looked really good in the room. This definitely has potential!


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Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

by JustMeDaFaq on May 22nd, 2014 21:33 PM

Yeah the emulator is unoptimizied, specially for mobiles. Tho, how you guys control this emualtor? Tried with idroid:con but didnt worked.


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Joined: 15.10.2013

Re: DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

by parzival on May 23rd, 2014 02:20 AM

Standard up/down/left/right for the controls (should work the same on the iDroid) , however you will need to configure your buttons

A = Z
B = X
START = Space
SELECT = Left Shift


Posts: 35

Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

by parzival on May 23rd, 2014 22:11 PM

UPDATE: I tweaked it a bit . same room , but now i have the game running on a gameboy positioned so it looks like your holding it in your hands (kind of) ... anyways that along with a few other tweaks that i did seem to make it run faster. i'm getting about 50fps on my Galaxy S5

Check it out and let me know how it runs for you guys!

https://mega.co.nz/#!noZSWJqR!DB385LQB1 ... afYdQE4KWc



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Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

by Bradleyw801 on Sep 4th, 2014 22:28 PM

This is really awesome. I have been wishing someone would make a virtual boy emulator like this one: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/27/oculu ... -emulator/, but for Dive. I am not sure if you or the person who created the GBA emulator in Unity could do it, but I would gladly donate to you if something like this came to fruition.


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Re: DiveBoy - Super Mario Land Edition!

by ColinH on Sep 8th, 2014 22:47 PM

Great work, seems awesome so far. I was wondering what the chances are on a SNES emu being released for Dive were? it sounds lame, but I think that would be awesome, heh.


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