Dive Board



by parzival on Jun 3rd, 2014 14:57 PM

Presenting DiveSpace . It' like Titans of Space ....without the Titans :)

On request from Thief6666 i used the same Unity Asset Spacepack that was used in Titans of Space and created this quick demo. No scripting or proper music, sound effects, ettc.. but i can work on that if there is enough interest

https://mega.co.nz/#!Lh5FBS7Q!4BXOgGiQj ... gAyvBqGtoY



Posts: 35

Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: DiveSpace

by parzival on Jun 3rd, 2014 15:09 PM

UPDATE: I changed the link to the APK . If anyone downloaded please redownload. The previous version i had the camera separation wrong, fixed now



Posts: 35

Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: DiveSpace

by bbennett22 on Jun 3rd, 2014 22:15 PM

Pretty cool. Is there any way to move around or does it just slowly float up? I would definitely be up for a guided trip around the solar system with some geeky facts about the planets I'm flying past. If you decide to do it and need some help gathering facts or anything for that matter, I'd be happy to help!


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Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: DiveSpace

by parzival on Jun 3rd, 2014 22:46 PM


standard bluetooth dpad (up-down-left-right) work to move you around somewhat , however, it does float up for some reason (didn't really spend much time to figure out why...just threw this one together) . I might put some time into setting up a camera path with planet information etc.. similar to the Titans of Space..we'll see.


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Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: DiveSpace

by thief6666 on Jun 4th, 2014 05:31 AM

WOW. Thats actually every bot as impressive as titans of space on RIFT. Very impresive especially if you wait a bit and look down at small earth put into perspective of giant sun and jupiter. I would gladly help to develop this demo into something like titns of space (cockpit, steering, planetary info) but I have no skills..;)

instead i will gladly buy finsl version on playstore.

Even as it is now its simple one of the best DIVE demos and IMO should be mentined on DUROVIS web site.


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Re: DiveSpace

by parzival on Jun 4th, 2014 06:24 AM

Thanks Thief6666 , love to hear feedback like this :)

Well i'm up for developing this some more if people are interested. Give me some ideas (other than the obvious ones from Titans) , and i'll see what i can do



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Re: DiveSpace

by bbennett22 on Jun 4th, 2014 14:03 PM

is there any way that you could make this asset work? https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/14335 it says its mobile friendly and it definitely looks impressive. Or this one: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/4160 This one has just about everything you could want in an amazing space tour game. you could start on earth, blast through the atmosphere and tour the planets. I know the asset is expensive, but I know I for one would be willing to pitch in if it meant I got to see something like that on the dive!


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Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: DiveSpace

by parzival on Jun 4th, 2014 14:27 PM

This one is actually based off of the "Space Graphics Toolkit" . The other one is interesting too, thanks for the link i'll check it out


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Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: DiveSpace

by jpslara on Jun 4th, 2014 22:31 PM

It is awesome, but you can add some movement plus right, left, back and front, and let us go closer or farther from planets, and lest turn arround from gamepad and not only from dive sensor.


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Re: DiveSpace

by rcazzy on Jun 5th, 2014 17:14 PM

Any chance anyone could take a video of the demo, even just from the screen? Thanks for making this parzival, was hoping someone would give it a go. Please work on it more, I think it'd become the go to space sim for mobile vr. Can't wait to give it a go asap. :)


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