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the ultimate list of game exist ?

the ultimate list of game exist ?

by kevstopper on Jun 14th, 2014 16:02 PM

Hi, i search for a complete list of all android VR and apk to be more easy to check game with picture and test review.
I know that a list exists for oculus and it's really good.
it would be really cool if there was a list like this for android.

on forum is too mix up particularly for APK (no playstore link to see what it is)


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Joined: 14.06.2014


Re: the ultimate list of game exist ?

by lalalol on Jun 14th, 2014 20:21 PM

Here you go http://vrapplist.de/


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Re: the ultimate list of game exist ?

by dboxvr on Jun 17th, 2014 17:22 PM

I know of at least 2 missing from that list. One, VR Spider, was just put up today though. The other is called Chip-8 or something like that.


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Re: the ultimate list of game exist ?

by JustMeDaFaq on Jun 20th, 2014 10:39 AM

"dboxvr" wrote:
I know of at least 2 missing from that list. One, VR Spider, was just put up today though. The other is called Chip-8 or something like that.

Jep, submitted my app to this website, tho seems like the website doesnt get updated anymore...


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Joined: 15.10.2013

Re: the ultimate list of game exist ?

by obiwahn on Jun 24th, 2014 14:11 PM

The Site is updated from now on again, i was very busy the last weeks (wedding and vacation) ;-)


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Joined: 11.01.2014


Re: the ultimate list of game exist ?

by Stephiel on Nov 20th, 2021 09:10 AM

[color=#000000][size=2][font=Arial]The game of life is not an easy one. There are many dissertation proofreading services games that we can play in this game, but which ones are the best? This list will help you find out what the top ten most popular games are and how to get into them.[/font][/size][/color]


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Re: the ultimate list of game exist ?

by Maldonado on Nov 26th, 2021 11:06 AM

[color=#000000][size=2][font=Arial]If you want to convert your games from one format to another, there are many great tools available online. But which ones should you use? In this service we'll explore some of the best options out there so that you can find the perfect tool for converting pdf files.[/font][/size][/color]


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Re: the ultimate list of game exist ?

by Darnell Brady on Aug 24th, 2022 13:37 PM

[color=#000000][size=2][font=Arial]Ico to png is the best way to convert png to ico with a single click. This good program will help you make it more convenient to use and also easier to view ICO format. Using this software, you can open any kind of PNG file in just a few clicks even you have no special skills. It provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface and supports a wide range of image formats like JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP etc.[/font][/size][/color]

Darnell Brady

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