Dive Board



by kencessna on Jun 18th, 2014 21:25 PM


I just tried out the way from modeling, lightning and baking in C4D to unity! It's a little
office scene without animations, but you can walk around using the snakebyte controller
and I think the outcome became quiet atmospheric!

See some pictures and the link here:


or download directly:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/chrj861yzk51u ... e_Noir.apk

Cheers, Can


Posts: 10

Joined: 19.11.2013


Re: VR-Environment

by kevstopper on Jun 19th, 2014 01:33 AM

wow look great. im really excited to try this when i receive my dive.


Posts: 3

Joined: 14.06.2014


Re: VR-Environment

by rcazzy on Jun 19th, 2014 02:38 AM

This is incredible, man. Probably the most photorealistic mobile VR demo out there. Everything about this is great...the lighting, the detail on the objects, the raindrops on the window...I think it's my new favourite VR demo on my android. Please make more! I'd love to see any techniques you used to create this! :D


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Joined: 27.05.2014

Re: VR-Environment

by dboxvr on Jun 19th, 2014 02:48 AM

I love this. There is some jutter with my phone, but it's bearable. I imagine it's because of how much detail is in the scene. Though I don't have any idea what I'm talking about, so take that into consideration. What I really wanted to do was crash though the window and fall to the ground.


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: VR-Environment

by kencessna on Jun 19th, 2014 19:22 PM

Thanks a lot for the nice feedback, guys! Very kind!

@dboxvr: The suicide-mode will come with the next version! ;)


Posts: 10

Joined: 19.11.2013


Re: VR-Environment

by dboxvr on Jun 20th, 2014 05:01 AM

"kencessna" wrote:
Thanks a lot for the nice feedback, guys! Very kind!

@dboxvr: The suicide-mode will come with the next version! ;)

That would be appreciated. I've tried to make a few games that give a sense of height that I could jump from and it's never worked. But I actually feel like I'm high up when I look out those windows.


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Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: VR-Environment

by parzival on Jun 20th, 2014 21:34 PM

Very Nice! I like walking up to the window and looking down, very cool. Like others said it is a bit juttery , even on my Galaxy S5 but not bad...what are you Draw Calls? Tris?


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Joined: 09.05.2014


Re: VR-Environment

by kencessna on Jun 20th, 2014 22:31 PM

Thanx a lot! It's in fact very low poly but I raised the texturesize to the top plus there's reflections- and normalmaps! I could reduce the texturesize, that should help!


Posts: 10

Joined: 19.11.2013


Re: VR-Environment

by kencessna on Aug 19th, 2014 08:36 AM

I figured out the juttering in the scene has to do with the cubemap-reflection,
it seems to have no or a low anti-aliasing!

Is that an android problem or did I miss some settings? Any ideas how to correct that?

Cheers, Can


Posts: 10

Joined: 19.11.2013



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