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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by bbennett22 on Aug 16th, 2014 20:38 PM
Changed mine up a bit, but I put a long review on the store... Hope this thing takes off!
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by karamoon on Aug 16th, 2014 21:39 PM
Excellent work, I just downloaded the pro version and was more than happy to pay for it. Brilliant experience and a cool control layout, simple and powerful.
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by CmoarStudio on Aug 17th, 2014 13:40 PM
@karamoon , @nente002,@bbennett22 thanks !
@gutss we are working on new video player, and when we finish you will be able to play movies tooCmoarStudio
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by bbennett22 on Aug 18th, 2014 02:50 AM
i've got a nexus 5. Noticed a considerable amount of drift that I never noticed on older versions. watching a movie, I find myself spinning in my chair in order to keep up with the screen drifting about. Locking the screen obviously works, just thought I'd give you the feedback. I have a feeling that the drift will be a negative consequence til we get more vr friendly hardware/software
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by dboxvr on Aug 18th, 2014 04:05 AM
I don't know what happened, nor even how to describe what is going on since the update, but this has become unusable on my phone. The theatre will look okay for a few seconds and then everything just goes awry. Also, I'm not willing to pay for it because I don't have movies on my phone. Unfortunately, due to the 45 second limit placed on it, it means I will probably delete it. When I get a new phone I will give it a shot again and maybe pay for it then.
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by CmoarStudio on Aug 18th, 2014 08:29 AM
@bbennett22 please try to calibrate using "Calibrate" option from main menu. We will back to sensor fusion solution soon, trying to improve it. This the most important part of the application.
@dboxvr what phone do you have now? We will try to investigate the problem you've describedCmoarStudio
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by itsrumsey on Aug 20th, 2014 02:34 AM
I just purchased this app as an upgrade to GoShow which I had not used in a few months. First off, WOW. Great improvement.
There are a lot of features I would like to see added, here are some:
[*:1q1qb4d6]A way to unlock the screen withoutpressing the back button, maybe with a gesture of some kind.[/*:m:1q1qb4d6]
[*:1q1qb4d6]SMB streaming, although I think I can already do this with es file manager.[/*:m:1q1qb4d6]
[*:1q1qb4d6]Different 3d environments - nothing insane, just like a small living room with a giant screen, or any other secondary place. Sometimes it feels lonely in the GIGANTIC theater since you're by yourself.[/*:m:1q1qb4d6]
[*:1q1qb4d6]An domed omni theater simulation which, for those who don't have one nearby or have never been, is a giant domed screen the extends well in to your peripheral vision in front, above, and to your sides to provide an amazing movie viewing experience
The last one would take some special distortion of the video to make the aspect ratio appear correct on a giant dome, I know it is possible because they show normal movies at the Omni near me regularly but I don't know the exact formula for making it look correct, or if its even possible to do on Android... it would be the pinnacle of movie experience for me though, I love visiting my local Omniitsrumsey
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by kwest on Aug 20th, 2014 11:22 AM
"ProsperGames" wrote:
@bbennett22 please try to calibrate using "Calibrate" option from main menu. We will back to sensor fusion solution soon, trying to improve it. This the most important part of the application.
I'm experiencing this too, also using Nexus 5. It doesn't matter if I calibrate, it starts drifting and "tilting" after a while anyway.
I do want to use Cmoar, but it's not possible under these circumstances.
And just an idea, maybe it's been brought up many times already, but I'd like to watch movies in different environments; not just the cinema.
Being able to watch Gladiator in a real Colosseum like stadium would be sweet, for example. Or watch Star Trek from the captain's seat.. etc.kwest
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by 3Andron3icus3 on Aug 20th, 2014 15:41 PM
I really like the ideas @itsrumsey presented, but most especially the domed theater. A setting to utilize a peripheral-filling screen like that would be pretty great, especially for many films made for IMAX. The only dome theater I've been to in person was an IMAX screen, which got me to thinking: I think an especially important feature for future updates would be an adjustable screen size. You could have preset sizes, or even just a slider/gradient that allows you to choose every size in-between.
Either way, I'm anxiously awaiting your newest app release! Can't wait to see what you guys are cooking up. I really hope it's got something to do with your amazing AR app!3Andron3icus3
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Re: Cmoar Virtual Cinema on Google Play
by karamoon on Aug 20th, 2014 15:57 PM
Seems to me that the comments say it all. This is the best app on the market for VR. It is fluid, functional and powerful. How people can whinge about the 45s playback free version is beyond me, for the sake of half a pint of beer, just buy the pro version. It's not even an issue IS IT! Furthermore, the folks behind its development have obviously worked very hard to make it this good, I feel obliged to support that kind of commitment. Bravo!
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