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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by nente002 on Aug 14th, 2014 09:28 AM
I set it as single monitor. Think twomon doesn't like switching resolution when connected.
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by nils16 on Aug 14th, 2014 17:41 PM
Well, shame for me.
I only downloaded the "HEX File"
Now I downloaded the whole folder "Foculus_Rift_Tracker_STM32F3DISCOVERY-master"
and selectet the HEX file. Now it worked!
So I try know to play a game.
Which Oculus Rift games will work?
Can you please tell me some demos I can play with mouse and keyboard or joystik?
I tryed "War Thunder" No HMD Video detected...nils16
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by nente002 on Aug 14th, 2014 19:16 PM
All unity stuff will run. See a few posts up.
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by Segich on Aug 14th, 2014 20:48 PM
Who can make a video how to configure it?
And a few more examples of working in games, pleaseSegich
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by nils16 on Aug 14th, 2014 21:13 PM
Hi. Well I have drift on all demos I have tryed. So I can`t really play anything.
Also its iverese. Left/right is OK. But when I look down in the demos its looking upwards.
Are there any flight simulation games that works properly?
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by izzo on Aug 14th, 2014 21:59 PM
Hi Nils,
If you read the foculus github page, it states that you can calibrate and choose the direction of the board, i get no drift on my games.
Calibration and change of orientation
To calibrate the Gyroscope for zero-offset (which reduces drift), place the STM board on a flat surface and push the blue "USER" button for less than 1 second. Make sure that the board absolutely does not move while the calibration is in progress. The data is permanently stored in FLASH memory and retained after power down.
To change the reported coordinate system and hence the orientation of the board, push the "USER" button for > 1 second. Then you will be able to select one out of 8 preconfigured orientation settings, indicated by the blinking LED. After pushing the "USER" button again for > 1 second, the setting is also permanently saved to FLASH memory.
One of the following orientations can be chosen at the moment:
LED label Orientation
LD3 (Red) LEDs toward user USB down
LD4 (Blue) LEDs toward user USB right
LD5 (Orange) LEDs away from user USB down
LD6 (Green) LEDs away from user USB up
LD7 (Green) LEDs up USB toward user
LD8 (Orange) LEDs up USB away from user
LD9 (Blue) LEDs up USB to users right
LD10 (Red) LEDs up USB to user right
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by kreikins on Aug 15th, 2014 06:58 AM
The board is to emulate the oculus tracker alone, not the HMD. Hence, there will be games that only starts at 2D when HMD is not detected.
That being said, this works best when paired with an LCD with spoofed oculus rift's EDID.
Calibration did little for me as i still get drifts over time. Re-plugging the usb resets the tracker's position back to center. Not the best way but it gets the job done.
Here's a list of games/demos that starts with side-by-side display even without the HMD.
2. Alone in the rift
3. Alone
4. Dark dreams: Episode 1
5. Dreadhalls
6. Eden river
7. Fireworks
8. FLying in dreams
9. Macross demo (i got the game from a japanese oculus site)
10. Millenium falcon experience
11. My neighbor totoro VR - The bus stop scene
12. Spirited Away VR - The boiler room
13. TItans of Space
14. Universe Rush
15. VR Cinema
16. Riftmax
These are the games and demos that i only managed to download so far (i got a stupid slow net connection). I bet there are still hundreds of games available on oculus and other VR sites that work with the tracker alone.kreikins
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by killdano on Aug 21st, 2014 23:12 PM
So please keep us posted. I want to play Senza Peso with my galaxy S5
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by izzo on Aug 22nd, 2014 08:50 AM
Games/Demos updated for the new SDK (0.4.x) wont work anymore either, seems Oculus removed support for the stm32.
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Re: Alternative tracker for Oculus Rift
by diresquirrel on Sep 20th, 2014 19:14 PM
Breathin' some life back into this thread!
It's been a while, and I've had a ton of setbacks, but my OpenDive-based Oculus Thrift is basically functional! I'm using twomon usb for video streaming and the stm32 for tracking, so there's no latency. Video quality seems like it's less than it should be; I get pixelation even when the settings and resolution are high. I suspect this is due to my video card/memory not being adequate.
The main hitch I'm having now is that it's difficult to get games to play nice with twomon when it's set as the primary display; most games won't run and any oculus demos crash. I can work around this by playing games in windowed mode and moving them over to my phone, but it's not ideal. Has anyone found a better way of doing this?diresquirrel
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