Dive Board

Gyro - which phone

Gyro - which phone

by Kbeam on Jul 28th, 2014 19:03 PM

Hello to everyone. I have been interested into the Dive project for some time and I am planning on replacing my phone which accidentally broke last week.
I will not buy the 1080p S4, since they are too expensive and I am not accustomed to wearing a large phone with me. I have done some GlovePIE scripting for the WiimotePlus and I know that drift is very often a problem with the gyros.
So my question is - which phone of the 720p ones has a gyro/accelerometer set that works best with the Dive?
I saw that Stefan started with a Samung Galaxy Nexus, but I also see in this forum good things about LG P880 Optimus 4X HD.
Any hint will be greatly appreciated.


Posts: 4

Joined: 28.07.2014

Re: Gyro - which phone

by Antek on Aug 18th, 2014 11:08 AM

Hi there,

i am using the HTC Butterfly with Durovis Dive. It is a Quadcore Full HD Smartphone and the Gyroscope senor works great.

Kind Regards


Posts: 3

Joined: 20.07.2014



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