Dive Board



by dboxvr on Aug 6th, 2014 18:10 PM

Yesterday I decided to try searching for Oculus Rift on the Play store and found a game called Cryout. It looks like it could be awesome, but the head tracking doesn't work for me at all. Has anyone else tried this game? Does it work for you?


Posts: 116

Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: Cryout

by nente002 on Aug 6th, 2014 20:49 PM

Works for me, a little lag but it looks real good! Have not played it yet. I've just started the game and looked around.
HTC one m7


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Joined: 16.04.2014


Re: Cryout

by dboxvr on Aug 11th, 2014 21:49 PM

It actually started working. Man do I wish it ran smoother. It would be so awesome.


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Joined: 17.06.2014


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