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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by dboxvr on Aug 17th, 2014 13:25 PM

Well, I called it. Doesn't work on my phone. It's not your fault though. The S3 seems to be the worst phone available for VR. Even Google can't make their app work on it.


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by yungknox21 on Aug 17th, 2014 17:35 PM

What version of Android does your phone have installed and does your phone have a gyroscope? If not then your accelerometer will work hard to compensate but will overall cause the app to crash. For this I am truly sorry.


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by dboxvr on Aug 17th, 2014 18:47 PM

I have a Galaxy S3 running 4.4.2. It has gyro. Many developers have tried to get their apps to work on my phone and not been able to and the apps that do work all suffer from drifting. Like I say, it seems to be something with my phone and not with the app itself. If I sound frustrated it's all directed at my phone, not the devs. In this case it won't even load. The screen goes black and then it exits to my home screen. Not the first app to suffer this problem. Hyoshi Jump, VR Base for Oculus Rift, VR Spider, Unity Chan, Horizon and probably others have all had this problem. Unfortunately I won't be able to find out if you can fix the problem unless you want to just send me the apk because you can only refund once on the Play Store and I already had to do that.


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by karamoon on Aug 17th, 2014 22:17 PM

Downloaded from Playstore earlier. It runs for about a minute each time then I get the same error message each time saying 'Protect The Planet has stopped'. All other VR apps work perfectly, I am running on an HTC M8. Sound effects are really good and the tracking is perfect when it plays. I guess there are bugs still, but I will hang on for updates, I think you've done great work so far.


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by yungknox21 on Aug 17th, 2014 23:59 PM

Ok thanks for your message. I have tested the app on multiple devices and have never ran into that message before. I will work to try and figure out why that happened and release an update as soon as possible. If that happens again it would be nice to know when you get the error message and screenshot it. I'm in the process now in optimizing the application to run smoother.


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by yungknox21 on Aug 22nd, 2014 15:03 PM

So this weekend I will be releasing another update. The update will include updates for devices that crash running the game due to performance issues and also will be adding a 2d mode that will take touch input, and if I'm not too tired I might also add Bluetooth controller support. :)


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by yungknox21 on Aug 23rd, 2014 02:27 AM

At my computer working hard to make more devices compatible while still optimizing the performance. I'm also working hard on integrating the touch controls. Be sure to look for the update tomorrow :) I don't really have a life :)


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by yungknox21 on Aug 24th, 2014 05:20 AM

The 2d version of the game is completed. You are now able to switch between 3d and 2d. I am now optimizing the performance. I am very tired and have been working all day. I will most definitely have the update published by tomorrow night. Right now I am very sleepy and a going to sleep.


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by dboxvr on Aug 24th, 2014 06:18 AM

Is game design a hobby for you, or is it your job? Are you self taught or did you go to school?


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Re: New Protect the Planet (Now for Android & Windows Phone)

by yungknox21 on Aug 24th, 2014 06:28 AM

I went to school for instructional design and technology with a strong focus on gaming and simulations. I learned how to program on my spare time. Game design is a hobby for me. My day job I'm an instructional designer for Ashley furniture industries. So I work on the games in my spare time with I get off of work.


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