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New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by kos on Aug 15th, 2014 11:24 AM

HI, I just finished my new virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster:

I hope you like it ;)


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Joined: 07.07.2014

Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by dboxvr on Aug 16th, 2014 02:25 AM

This is fantastic. Easily the best coaster on Android. But, what about more levels for Space Terror?


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Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by Odolwan on Aug 16th, 2014 11:09 AM

Mhh I'm still thinking about buying it. Will you improve the game? Will you add new levels ?


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Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by kos on Aug 18th, 2014 19:38 PM

Hi, thanks for the replys ;)
For now I have no plans to add new levels Polygonal RollerCoaster. I'll start working on the next level of SpaceTerrorVR


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Joined: 07.07.2014

Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by dboxvr on Aug 18th, 2014 20:14 PM

This is the only coaster that gives me the willies when I go over the hill. But still, Yay for more Space Terror!

How do you get the kind of graphics used in the coaster game?


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Joined: 17.06.2014

Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by 3Andron3icus3 on Aug 22nd, 2014 14:22 PM

I tried out the app, and it was definitely neat. The graphics are unique and simple, and the distance of the environment is great. That being said, the physics of motion on the track are not entirely realistic, the closed loop you ride on is super short, and there is only one somewhat impressive drop. All in all, this is great as a demo for smartphone VR headsets, but I don't think you should be charging for such a simple demo. That's just my two cents, though.


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Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by dboxvr on Aug 22nd, 2014 14:52 PM

It costs less than a cup of coffee. It's one of the best experiences on the Play store and definitely the best coaster. I don't think there is anything wrong with charging for it.


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Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by 3Andron3icus3 on Aug 22nd, 2014 16:48 PM

@dboxvr Well, I personally don't think it's that impressive compared to many of the other apps I've tried. I'm not trying to be negative, as I believe it did take a lot of hard work to make and has the potential to be much much better. I just feel that something this under-developed should be a free demo, and that maybe a more developed version could be the paid version. I would argue that the graphics are the only thing superior to other existing rollercoaster apps(Dive City Rollercoaster from Dive Games, Rollercoaster from I-mmersive, etc.), and even then it is hard to compare since they are so stylistically different.

I understand that many people wouldn't mind supporting this app with a dollar, and more power to them, I just wasn't impressed enough to keep it and had to use the refund feature.

I am glad to hear that Space Terror VR is being worked on, however, because that seems to have plenty of potential and I can see myself paying for a final version without hesitation.


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Joined: 21.07.2014

Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by AzuraHelen on Jul 14th, 2022 05:38 AM

It is not difficult to see the excitement of players for the game basketball stars, this is a 2-player sports game that is being shared widely on the pages of the gaming community. I am sure that you will also find it difficult to escape the incredible attraction of this game


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Re: New virtual reality experience Polygonal RollerCoaster

by DerekBradley on Jan 29th, 2025 11:41 AM

Hmm, I'm still considering whether to buy it. Do you plan to improve the game? Will you be adding new wolfenstein 3d levels?


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