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by 3Andron3icus3 on Aug 22nd, 2014 20:58 PM
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... .CmoarARTV
Can't wait to try it out myself! It's 5 dollars, and it's basically an augmented reality flat screen TV (LARGE flat screen) that you can play your videos on virtually anywhere.
Print the AR Target picture at www.cmoar.com/stones.jpg to use!3Andron3icus3
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Joined: 21.07.2014
by CmoarStudio on Aug 22nd, 2014 21:29 PM
Wow you are fast !
VR/AR Cmoar TV is a completely new approach to virtual and augmented reality.
Now, thanks to using our app and the marker, you can play and watch 2D and 3D movies in whatever places you wish.
Download the app then print http://cmoar.com/stones.jpg and you are ready to go!
Free Version:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... arARTVFree
Pro Version:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... .CmoarARTV
and of course trailer
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Joined: 18.07.2014
by 3Andron3icus3 on Aug 22nd, 2014 21:43 PM
So far I've only found one potential issue with the app, and it's nothing major. I've printed out a better-than-average quality copy of the picture, but the target functionality is still a bit jumpy. When sitting completely still, I get mild jitters and jerks from the TV. I imagine I could remedy this with an even higher quality print of the stones picture, but I don't have the funds to go to a store to have them print a professional quality copy, and I assume the average individual won't either. I'm not particularly sure if this is something that can be tweaked and made better on your end, but if at all possible I would love to see improvements to it. I've noticed that in the other AR app (the tabletop game) I don't seem to have the same issue as often, not sure if that helps.
I came across an app at some point that utilized AR targets that could be set by the user (I wish I could remember the app to link to it, maybe someone else can help with that). I think a possible solution would be to implement this so that individuals can utilize their own targets that could then potentially be much higher quality prints, and even a matte material that resists sheen and reflection of light. Just something to consider! Either way I love the new app, and can't wait to see what progress is in store for this and the others moving forward!3Andron3icus3
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Joined: 21.07.2014
by nente002 on Aug 24th, 2014 17:30 PM
Finally printed the picture so now I can tell what I think of your latest creation.
I think you are a very scilled programmer and the things you make are real good.
I think cmoar tv will be a great app if you want to watch with a few friends. And I like that yiu are still aware of your surroundings.
Great work!
Just a thought, can't you use this technique for removing drift in the vr theatre?
Not that with the latest version I have much drift but others still do.
Hope to see that 3d update in cmoar360 soon!nente002
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Joined: 16.04.2014
by CmoarStudio on Aug 25th, 2014 14:04 PM
we have just added SBS view, limited to 60 sec in free version, so that everybody could test our app on their goggles
If you like it, please don't forget to rate this app
@nente002 and @ 3Andron3icus3 we will work on improving this app very soon
We will keep you postedCmoarStudio
Posts: 41
Joined: 18.07.2014
by 3Andron3icus3 on Aug 28th, 2014 21:45 PM
So I found out from my girlfriend that a local place called "Reddi Arts" does high quality prints in various sizes for extremely cheap! I went and got the stones.jpg image printed on 11" by 17" paper, matte finish to reduce glare, and it cost a total of $2.50; and the quality was surprisingly great for the price! That being said, I've noticed the functionality improve a little, but it seems like there is still much tweaking to be done on the app itself. I get best results when I view the targeted picture from about 3-6 feet away. From 7-9 feet I can still see the screen, though the app has trouble picking up on the picture and that leads to jumping and jolting behavior from the screen.
I thought the issue might also be connected to my phone and camera quality, though I'm using an LG G2 and am fairly confident that it shouldn't be most of the issue. I attempted to test out the app using my brother's LG G3, but when I pick a video to play, I just get a freeze frame of the first thing the camera would see. The app doesn't seem to work/respond properly on the LG G3 and is currently unusable for him.3Andron3icus3
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Joined: 21.07.2014
by CmoarStudio on Aug 28th, 2014 23:26 PM
Thanks 3Android3icus3 for great review. We have LG G3 too so all problems will be resolved next week
Also we have for you some announcement
We decided to lower the price of almost 5$ to 1.49$ for a few days since we have seen that a lot of people not being able to see the potential that lies in this application.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... .CmoarARTV
We want to thank the people who supported us when the application was more expensive, we will try to make it up to you in the future.
Please remember that your advice is extremely valuable to us, so we hope that you will not forget to share your comments when you test the full version of Cmoar TVCmoarStudio
Posts: 41
Joined: 18.07.2014
by itsrumsey on Aug 30th, 2014 03:09 AM
I will support Cmoar by purchasing any software you guys make, because you're simply the best!
Unfortunately I can't back your kickstarter as $100+ for a piece of plastic to hold my phone is too pricy when compared to the Dive or even cheaper chinese knock offs like the one I use. Keep up the amazing advancements, instant buys every time.itsrumsey
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