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Sword Art Online Battle

Sword Art Online Battle

by yungknox21 on Aug 23rd, 2014 02:29 AM

This is another project I am working on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko9gRlFbrxM&list=UUd-kq237fVQfNqRJLMMs-zw In this game you will battle countless enemies in 1st person 3d vr. Take a look at the video. :) Enjoy


Posts: 40

Joined: 11.08.2014

Re: Sword Art Online Battle

by karamoon on Aug 23rd, 2014 19:40 PM

You've done great work. The only drawback are the adverts across the top of the screen. Perhaps get rid of those, I wouldn't imagine they generate click through traffic.


Posts: 20

Joined: 11.08.2014


Re: Sword Art Online Battle

by yungknox21 on Aug 24th, 2014 01:24 AM

What do you mean adverts? This is the room in SAO you arrive in when you are picking your avatar. I'm going to use this room to set up the main menu. This game is going to be slightly different than the tv show. Instead of free roaming you will have to fight countless boss battles.


Posts: 40

Joined: 11.08.2014


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