Dive Board

New Way to play Pc Games

New Way to play Pc Games

by xanthusbass on Sep 4th, 2014 13:07 PM

I have been trying for ages to get a system setup to use the dive and pc together but the lag was too much.
That was until i discovered Trinus Gyre the lag is almost none existent on my low end pc with a slow router

so here are the steps i took :

download the Trinus Gyre server and purchase the gyre android app,
Set up the connection with your ip address on the mobile app,
load your game in window mode 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080 and tab out to the gyre.
I use the gyre's in built fake 3d to get the stereo image you can use iz3d or perception i wouldnt reccomend tridef as the stereo wont run in window mode
click connect button on the server programme and start on android app.
select your game from the dropdown menu.
enjoy your virtual reality experience

trinus gyre has builtin motion tracking from the phone but also accepts freetrack and track ir

its very much work in progress but the potential for this app is huge.

webpage and download link for gyre http://oddsheepgames.com/?page_id=155

i didnt create this programme i just felt it should be brought to the masses


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Joined: 04.09.2014

Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by xanthusbass on Sep 4th, 2014 13:29 PM

as an update to my experiments this even works with dosbox i have been playing frontier elite 2 in vr using the gyre system just enable the fake 3d option and away you go. i would reccomend getting dfend reloaded as you can set the window size


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Joined: 04.09.2014

Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by Bradleyw801 on Sep 4th, 2014 18:28 PM

This is really slick! Thanks for the heads up. Now I just need some games to use with it...


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Joined: 04.09.2014

Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by xanthusbass on Sep 4th, 2014 19:37 PM

Bioshock is particularly good :D


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Joined: 04.09.2014

Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by TheRockeR93 on Sep 4th, 2014 22:31 PM

I get a feeling he downgraded the trial version, there is nothing different from the trial version, the old version of it which was free(beta) Android Rift, that run couple games at 25fps, low process at 75fps like minecraft, but now it's gone the trial version of Trinus Gyre runs all games at 7fps, I have 29mbps, which divides into about 3mbps, then I have 8 cores 2.8ghz processor, gt610, 4 gigs of ram.. any ideas? What do you mean by, Low End? Is it actually like good? D: I really want to play ETS2 in VR as I don't have an Oculus Rift :(


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Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by xanthusbass on Sep 4th, 2014 23:26 PM

my system is
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G530 @ 2.40GHz
GeForce 9600 GT
8 gb ram

D-Link DSL-2640S Wireless G router 6mbps

i can get bioshock running with hardly any lag on low settings but i can probably up the speed by upgrading my pc a bit
with kainy and spashtop it was totally unplayable as i say its not perfect but is certainly better than all the others i tried


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Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by TheRockeR93 on Sep 5th, 2014 11:21 AM

Hmm, after a while it kinda settled into a 30-35fps, it's playable, but the quality isn't great(I'm playing ETS2) but it is fun, but the only downside is I'm using the trial, so it says thank you for using the trial and takes me out of game after 10 minutes :/ Tempted to get the full version :P


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Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by nils16 on Sep 8th, 2014 17:18 PM

Works great with Prepar3d V2.3 Flight Simulator. (FSX)

http://youtu.be/z7ZT2WixoSM?list=UUW3LE ... gpn4stKyGA

In the video I used Wifi. With USB Thetering it works quite well. Finally!
I used Mouse for heatracking. In the Virtual cockpit I have to HOLD the Space bar. I fly with Joystik.
Anyone know if and how I can use it witn other tracking mode?



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Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by xanthusbass on Sep 8th, 2014 20:53 PM

In FSX to turn on camera mode hold shit and o


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Re: New Way to play Pc Games

by xanthusbass on Sep 8th, 2014 21:18 PM

Well i have been experimenting more at setting up a true vr experience i have had some success using Trinus Gyre.
The best thing about it is the wireless option it means you can move around a bit more if you would like to try my setup you will need a couple of things

An android Phone with Trinus Gyre
A Kinect
A PlayStation 3 controller(i use the navigation controller) But for ease an Xbox controller will do too
A program called FAAST ( http://projects.ict.usc.edu/mxr/faast/)
Motion in joy... to emulate Xbox controller on a PS3 one
A Bluetooth dongle
Kinect SDK ( http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=323588)

Install the Kinect SDK and plug in the Kinect
Install Faast
Set up Gestures to your movements and assign the game to your in game keys
install motion in joy
Plug in your controller and bluetooth dongle and set up motion in joy using the Xinput option
start fasst motion tracking
start trinus
start your game in window mode
alt tab to trinus and connect to phone
alt tab back to game stand in front of kinect and play your game

the controller is optional but it makes the game easier to control rather than using kinect
Im Still working on simplifying this process and it would be good to see if anyone else has used a similar setup it can be a little laggy but i think that may be my pc have Fun


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