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Zombiestan Demo / vr shooter android

Zombiestan Demo / vr shooter android

by wutbrand on Sep 20th, 2014 06:01 AM

check out my new vr shooter


Posts: 8

Joined: 16.09.2014


Re: vr shooter android

by thief6666 on Sep 23rd, 2014 18:24 PM

how about demo version? After few disappointments I will never spend even 1$ without testing...


Posts: 28

Joined: 12.04.2014

Re: vr shooter android

by wutbrand on Sep 23rd, 2014 19:20 PM

Hi ,
at the moment i´m working on update, maybe later ..... a demo.
But at google play store you have the oppertunity for a refund, if you don´t like it :) .
I think it´s 2h.



Posts: 8

Joined: 16.09.2014


Re: vr shooter android

by bbennett22 on Sep 23rd, 2014 21:37 PM

just got around to playing this game... has the potential to be a lot of fun! I could not figure out how to control the gun! I was able to move forward backward left and right, but was not able to rotate in any manner. I am using a ps3 controller with the six axis app, so it could very well be on my end. is there a way to rotate the gun, so I can shoot things?

the only other suggestions I have is to make the screen flash, or some effect when you get hit, and add some decent zombie sounds. Other than that, I was having a good time.... felt like being in dead trigger!


Posts: 43

Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: vr shooter android

by wutbrand on Sep 24th, 2014 09:02 AM

"bbennett22" wrote:
just got around to playing this game... has the potential to be a lot of fun! I could not figure out how to control the gun! I was able to move forward backward left and right, but was not able to rotate in any manner. I am using a ps3 controller with the six axis app, so it could very well be on my end. is there a way to rotate the gun, so I can shoot things?

the only other suggestions I have is to make the screen flash, or some effect when you get hit, and add some decent zombie sounds. Other than that, I was having a good time.... felt like being in dead trigger!

You can´t even rotate? That´s really bad, sorry :shock: .
Did you turn of the headtracking option?
As i mentioned before i´m working for a new update and a new gamepad configuration menu is my primary goal.
I hope it will be up next 2-3 days.
Still thanks for your support.


Posts: 8

Joined: 16.09.2014


Re: vr shooter android

by bbennett22 on Sep 24th, 2014 17:11 PM

I couldn't rotate, but I don't know if it was the way I had my controller setup, or if it was that there wasn't any controls defined to rotate. I did turn head tracking on. That worked fine, but the gun did not move with my head, so I wasn't sure how to move the gun. A gamepad configuration menu would be awesome! my favorite gaming experience is probably playing call of duty zombies with my friends, so this game is right up my alley. There are some hiccups, but once fixed I can definitely see this being a lot of fun to play!


Posts: 43

Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: vr shooter android

by wutbrand on Sep 26th, 2014 07:44 AM

"bbennett22" wrote:
I couldn't rotate, but I don't know if it was the way I had my controller setup, or if it was that there wasn't any controls defined to rotate. I did turn head tracking on. That worked fine, but the gun did not move with my head, so I wasn't sure how to move the gun. A gamepad configuration menu would be awesome! my favorite gaming experience is probably playing call of duty zombies with my friends, so this game is right up my alley. There are some hiccups, but once fixed I can definitely see this being a lot of fun to play!

The new version is in beta now.
If you want i send you a link :D .


Posts: 8

Joined: 16.09.2014


Re: Zombiestan Demo / vr shooter android

by wutbrand on Jan 19th, 2015 19:32 PM

New :mrgreen: Demo
Edit:new link
Danke @Jan und @JustMeDaFaq



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Joined: 16.09.2014


Re: Zombiestan Demo / vr shooter android

by JayRay on Jan 22nd, 2015 16:01 PM

hallo navid,
der link funktioniert nicht. ich glaube weil er direkt in deinen dev account zeigt.


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: Zombiestan Demo / vr shooter android

by JustMeDaFaq on Jan 22nd, 2015 19:59 PM

"JayRay" wrote:
hallo navid,
der link funktioniert nicht. ich glaube weil er direkt in deinen dev account zeigt.

Der sollte gehen:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... estanvrads


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Joined: 15.10.2013


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