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Preview: WW1 poetry VR - 'The Kiss'
Preview: WW1 poetry VR - 'The Kiss'
by jacknorrisuk on Sep 25th, 2014 15:15 PM
So, here's an alpha test version of my work in progress VR poetry scene, as explained over in the Dive Plugin forum...
Long story short; I work at a company that produces TV graphics (http://www.bdh.net/). We have been experimenting with VR, and I'm adapting graphics produced by some of my colleagues into a VR version of a short film due to appear in a TV programme.
It hasn't really been announced yet, but the programme is called War of Words: Soldier-Poets of the Somme.
http://www.ideasfestival.co.uk/2014/eve ... the-somme/
You can view the short film here:
Password: thekiss
So, the idea is to put the user right into the papery, stylized environment of the film and unfold the story of the poem all around them. The only real interaction will be triggering events by looking at them - other than that, it's a fairly passive experience. The rifle and its' associated parts is the only 3d object really, apart from a distant biplane - everything else, including several soldiers and trees, are paper-style cutouts.
Make sure you have the sound turned up - half of it is listening to the poem and the sounds!
There is basically no interaction. Think of it as a ride/theatre piece. It's only one minute long.
You have to look at the poem title floating in the air to start the poem. This is a dodgy raycast trigger at the moment, so you might need to wobble your head around a bit to catch it.
The same applies for the 'play again' trigger at the end of the poem. This is just here for convenience sake, but it is present the whole time, so be careful you don't look at it before the poem has finished!
You get to read the whole poem at the end, which is quite nice and feels like a museum exhibit.
This is an early test, plus I'm no coder...
I've only tested this on a Samsung S4. Of course, I'm interested in hearing feedback from people with different devices.
Much of the second part of the sequence is incomplete. This is where the rifle will eventually demonstrate its' grisly bayonet power. At the moment it's just a bit weird and flies around a lot.
Many graphic elements not in final state - terrain and shadows incomplete, custom light flares to be added,
Single audio track, ripped straight from film - will be replaced with individual sounds to improve timing
Performance issues, most notable when starting poem
.apk, 35mb
This is the first time I've done this, so please let me know how you get on with it, if the .apk is okay, how it runs on your device, what you think of the graphics - technically, and aesthetically - and any ideas for improvements.
I'm hoping to get help from developers particularly in the area of making decent raycast-buttons. I'd love to create something similar to the buttons in the Swivel Gun VR Log Ride app!
Please enjoy, and feel free to contact me via PM if not on here - Thanks!jacknorrisuk
Posts: 17
Joined: 05.09.2014
Re: Preview: WW1 poetry VR - 'The Kiss'
by jacknorrisuk on Oct 1st, 2014 14:30 PM
It seems that my screenshots were broken links, but they should be good now.
Has anyone managed to get the .apk running? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!jacknorrisuk
Posts: 17
Joined: 05.09.2014
Re: Preview: WW1 poetry VR - 'The Kiss'
by VRXperience on Oct 18th, 2014 09:27 AM
My feedback is that the concept is very very nice and immersive.
I suggest to add a little pointer in the UI to help the player in watching the poem title.
I've found following issue: at first run the app worked well and the poem started correctly. After second time the app crashed after I have looked at the title.
Anyway I think you are on the right way. The 3D animation of the rifle and bullet is very impressive.
Keep going and update your app.
Posts: 2
Joined: 16.10.2014
Re: Preview: WW1 poetry VR - 'The Kiss'
by jacknorrisuk on Oct 20th, 2014 19:23 PM
Cheers for the feedback buddy! Glad you like the bullet action - most people enjoy watching it fly past.
The mechanism of looking at the poem title is not ideal and will certainly be replaced by a more intuitive and less obstructive solution before the next version.jacknorrisuk
Posts: 17
Joined: 05.09.2014
Re: Preview: WW1 poetry VR - 'The Kiss'
by Stephen Daniel on Jun 9th, 2022 07:19 AM
[color=#000000][font=Arial]What is the best ffp scope? That can be a tough one since there are many different things to consider when selecting the best spotting scope for your needs. Below we will look at the features and specifications for the best riflescopes, which will help you pick out which one is best for you. There are a lot of different types of scopes https://rangefindereviews.com/best-ffp-scope-for-the-money/, and rifle scopes can vary wildly in price. Before buying a rifle scope, it pays to take a look at some of the most popular rifles scopes on the market, along with a chart detailing how well each one performs in certain conditions. My comprehensive list below breaks down each one by specifications, intended use, and price.[/font][/color]
Stephen Daniel
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