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stereoscopic augmented reality

stereoscopic augmented reality

by crow34 on Oct 6th, 2014 12:40 PM


just for a matter of fun i decided to try for the whole iron man effect in unity

i can tell you that the effect works well on the dive and for all you developers out there who wish to try this out i warn you

the effect is achieved with the metaio sdk obviously i am using the free version due to the astronomical amount of cash that it costs the licence the thing

i imported the sdk in to unity using the instant tracking example
i changed the sdk signature and enabled stereo rendering

then i applied the oculus rift camera controller to the scene

and hey presto it works

the demo above is far from polished due to the massive buttons obscuring some of the left view and the model orientation is a bit screwed up and small apologies for this

as this is just a fun proof of concept

i can tell you i did try this with the dive camera plugin just got a black screen and a message saying unrenderable

hope you like



Posts: 21

Joined: 29.01.2014


Re: stereoscopic augmented reality

by JustMeDaFaq on Oct 6th, 2014 12:53 PM

Nice! Im using Vuforia at the moment, by injected some code in the .dll, tho cant public anythng with it since it isnt legal. Is it allowed to inlcude metaio in paid projects?


Posts: 82

Joined: 15.10.2013

Re: stereoscopic augmented reality

by crow34 on Oct 6th, 2014 12:55 PM

as far as i am aware you can release metaio projects on there free sdk displaying the watermark not sure you can sell them for profit will look in to it


Posts: 21

Joined: 29.01.2014


Re: stereoscopic augmented reality

by crow34 on Oct 6th, 2014 13:02 PM

did think about how much fun it would be to intergrate something like webcam hand motion


in to the camera rig as a way to control the ar

but maybe thats just a pipe dream lol


Posts: 21

Joined: 29.01.2014


Re: stereoscopic augmented reality

by jacknorrisuk on Jan 22nd, 2015 22:35 PM

I haven't seen anyone doing this with a true 3d stereo cam, has it been done? Would love to get my hands on a sample unity project.


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Joined: 05.09.2014

Re: stereoscopic augmented reality

by Refref1990 on Aug 9th, 2015 18:09 PM

Hey hi! I did this with vufuria and Unity, but I can not split the screen in two parts for use with the viewer VR. Can you explain step by step how to do? I am inexperienced, so treat me like a fool during the explanation! XD Thank you so much!


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