Dive Board

Project Idea for VR

Project Idea for VR

by yungknox21 on Oct 21st, 2014 19:58 PM

I am looking for any unity devs who are interested in collaborating on a project with me. I am the one who created Protect the Planet Episode 1 with a rating of 4.5 and over 1000 downloads. Not bragging just want you to know that I'm serious about this project. I want to make sure Vr really takes off, especially for the mobile platform. If you are interested please PM me and I will debrief you on the details.


Posts: 40

Joined: 11.08.2014

Re: Project Idea for VR

by dboxvr on Oct 25th, 2014 06:37 AM

I posted a similar thing several months ago and got no responses. I would offer to help you out, but I am only just learning to make games and I'm pretty swamped these days and not sure I could take anything else on right now.


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Joined: 17.06.2014


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