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How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by LondonBAM on Nov 16th, 2014 19:44 PM

Hi all,

I'm a videographer, journalist and artist and are interested in using this amazing technology for a project.

So here is my rough idea, project questions are following.

I want to record stereoscopic footage with two, lets say gopros, and be able to change the field of view during playback(dynamic cropped field of view from 180 degrees angle footage)

1. How difficult or easy is it to make the connection of two video sources(left & right eye) and a dynamic(controlled by phone sensors), cropped field of view from the the original footage?

2. Is anyone working on this already?

3. What are the requirements for the video footage? i.e. 2k, 4k, 1080p?

4. Are today phones capable of handling required amount of data?

5. Would it work with downsized or compressed footage?

6. Do you see any easy usable solution to question number 1?


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Joined: 16.11.2014

Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by AlexRoudos on Nov 17th, 2014 09:47 AM

I am sorry that i can't give you any kind of information on what you are asking.

I just wanted to tell you that the dive forum is definitely NOT the place to ask something like that.

Best places would be the Oculus Rift and MTBS3D forums.


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Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by crow34 on Nov 17th, 2014 10:51 AM

Sounds interesting

You could employ a movie texture to a cylinder flip the normals on the cylinder place the dive camera prefab in the middle

And then use chromakey to billboard certain elements of the video to reproduce the stereo effect

It can be done but things you would need are a 360 degree video or omnisphere video

A high end phone

and a lot to of patience

Hope this helps


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Joined: 29.01.2014


Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by jacknorrisuk on Nov 17th, 2014 12:05 PM

This is something I'm interested in too.

The biggest obstacle for most people is that you first need to shell out for Unity Pro to get video textures...
In terms of software, I think what you're talking about is actually quite straight forward, and probably can be achieved just by playing around with the Unity cameras' field of view (and maybe an inverted sphere is better than a cylinder if you have wide enough footage?)
The difficult part will be shooting the material properly and getting the stereoscopy to work without glitches.

I'm trying something with stereoscopic footage I have of animals shot on greenscreens - this is easier to manage because I can cut out the individual subjects from their backgrounds and place them straight in the 3d space - although it gets really weird when they take up half of the depth budget of the scene which means you can't place things close in front or behind them...if that makes any sense at all...


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Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by crow34 on Nov 17th, 2014 13:11 PM

Universal video textures works with unity free but never mind that

I think we all agree a 360 looping video is what's needed . the reason
I suggest a cylinder is the 360 video that I have seen is designed to sit inside
A cylinder when it wraps

Never seen it done with a sphere but may work but Iwould do oit is

Place a cylinder flip the normals on the cylinder place the dive camera inside the cylinder
Place the video texture inside the cylinder

And to achieve stereo effect say you were looking at a car I would place a 3d model
In front of the image that way the car woild appear to be in stereotypeu


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Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by crow34 on Nov 17th, 2014 13:27 PM

My3d on iPhone uses the same method to show 360. Degree helicopter footage cant rremember the specific. Name
Of the app but its made by Hasbro for my 3d and they havedone the same effect


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Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by JustMeDaFaq on Nov 17th, 2014 16:07 PM

Dont know if i understood him correctly, do he wants an 3D 360° playback?


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Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by JustMeDaFaq on Nov 18th, 2014 13:09 PM

If its just about an 3D 360° player see my post here:


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Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by LondonBAM on Nov 19th, 2014 14:50 PM

Hi all!!

Thank you very much for your thoughts on this!

To be honest I didn't understand a single word as I'm not into programming at all. :D

I'm looking for a very simple and affordable method to be able to record a video(left and right eye) with a super wide angle lens(nearly 180 degree). Then to crop the field of view for about 25% on all sides and then be able to control the movement of the field of view on the footage with the phone sensors. The vision does not have to be perfect but functionality should be reasonably.

I recorded a real live test video on Monday. Please feel free to have a look.


For this I used two gopro 3+ and shot it in 1080p at 48fps. I cropped off 25% left and right of each channel and positioned it accordingly. I tested it with an iPhone5 and google cardboard goggles and it worked surprisingly well.

An image of the camera set up I used is attached to this post.

For what I want to do at the moment a 180 degree field of view is absolutely sufficient. As this keeps the viewer engaged with what I need/want him to see. Also I don't want to build a second oculus rift and just want to utilize affordable and existing devices, like gopro's and smart-phones. If it works and I'm sure it's possible then it could develop into something really really great. Immersive journalism, art or a great and simple way to capture and replay our family holidays. There are so many possibilities! I think I still have to work on the way I have to record the footage. Maybe more distance to the subject and also higher resolution recordings(4K?) so it works better when cropped?

What do you think guys?


Posts: 6

Joined: 16.11.2014

Re: How to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors

by GeraldineRLeathers on Dec 31st, 2022 11:56 AM

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=2]The advent of HD video recording devices and affordable 3D cameras has led to an explosion in the use of stereoscopic video in entertainment. So you can visit how to delete twitch account for more tips to remove a twitch account. It's a great time then to learn how to get your own videos synced with sensors or control them with a universal remote. In this article, we will learn about how to connect stereoscopic video footage and sensors using the popular cvxo library.[/size][/font][/color]


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