This repository contains a clean project with the SDK imported and modifications that can easily be exported as a unitypackage from the project.
The modifications include:
[list:1u6jos3a] [*:1u6jos3a] Cleaning up the existing SDK (because I am OCD about formatting)[/*:m:1u6jos3a] [*:1u6jos3a] Optimize the code by combining overlapping functions[/*:m:1u6jos3a] [*:1u6jos3a] Export the vertical and horizontal values for use in other scripts[/*:m:1u6jos3a] [*:1u6jos3a] Create a static singleton to dynamically enable and disable the VR views (Can be activated via the Cardboard magnet button or a GUI button with a visual delay)[/*:m:1u6jos3a][/list:u:1u6jos3a]
Posts: 1
Joined: 23.11.2014
Re: Durovis Dive SDK Mod
by D3m0n92 on Feb 7th, 2015 03:00 AM
Nice work man! I have converted the DiveFPSController from Javascript in C# whit some update, despite the 0 errors in the code are not entirely sure that it works in all its parts. If you want I can pass the code already changed and we can improve it together. Dive SDK is great! But can be improved!
Posts: 3
Joined: 03.02.2015
Re: Durovis Dive SDK Mod
by Urbiwanus on Jun 10th, 2015 08:19 AM
is it possible to get a copy of your FPSController in C#