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360 Video Datamosh Demo

360 Video Datamosh Demo

by 3Andron3icus3 on Nov 28th, 2014 20:27 PM

Hey guys, lately I've been interested in the experimental video potential of 360 degree video. I whipped up this extremely basic, very short demo of a couple datamoshing effects (if you don't know what datamoshing is, by all means look it up and find out!) being applied to two shots of 360 video (one is live action, the other is 3d generated) and was hoping to see what people think of it. I'm really only concerned with the responses/reactions of people who are running the video through a 360 degree spherical player (VR Player, CMOAR 360 Player, etc.) and this is about the only place I know to come to where I can assume many of you have immediate access to one or another. So enough set-up, let me know what you think:


For those of you in need of a directly downloadable copy of the video, you can grab it from here:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/w66mwcfhds6yv ... 2.mp4?dl=0


Posts: 40

Joined: 21.07.2014

Re: 360 Video Datamosh Demo

by 3Andron3icus3 on Dec 3rd, 2014 17:31 PM

I really couldn't have predicted such an overwhelming lack of interest. That really is too bad.

I just finished the next video, it has audio now and is longer and intended to loop. I really hope some of you check it out, I genuinely think anyone on here with the capability to view 360 videos would enjoy it.

Here is the direct link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lc2v74chzq5yd ... y.mp4?dl=0

And here is where it is posted on youtube as well:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bik3uxW ... xfM2ak9v9Q


Posts: 40

Joined: 21.07.2014

Re: 360 Video Datamosh Demo

by HZRD on Dec 8th, 2014 07:48 AM

Dude, this is the most badass idea ever. I've played around with datamoshing before and I never really considered this idea. I do 3D design and I'm about to start working on VR applications through unity. If you ever want to collaborate hit me up. This is beautiful. Here's my links


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Joined: 08.12.2014

Re: 360 Video Datamosh Demo

by diSty on Dec 8th, 2014 12:41 PM

post it here: http://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidVR , you maybe get more feedback. good luck mate.


Posts: 4

Joined: 02.09.2014

Re: 360 Video Datamosh Demo

by magdalen98 on Oct 11th, 2022 05:38 AM

Thank you, this is exactly the data I was hoping to find. To put it simply, this post is straightforward and simple to read. The more I read, the more I understand. I'm anticipating more of the same when you return. I appreciate it very much. fnf mod


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Joined: 11.10.2022

Re: 360 Video Datamosh Demo

by joe0203 on Jul 4th, 2023 13:42 PM

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