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Orbital VR

Orbital VR

by Persopolo on Dec 5th, 2014 22:19 PM

Hi guys !

I've just published my first app on the playstore ! :D
[size=120:17f6ik9t]>> Orbital VR[/size:17f6ik9t]

It's not a game. You're just in a spacesuit, floating around the ISS on earth orbit...
I know the graphics needs a big optimization, but i'm quite proud of the feeling of the navigation system.
If someone would like to test that stuff and give me their feelings about it...

Furthermore, I'm a noob on compatibility issues (controllers & other smartphones than mine...)
If you test it, please give me details on which phone/controller you used.

Thanks for reading ! :geek:


Posts: 11

Joined: 05.12.2014

Re: Orbital VR

by bazz12345 on Dec 5th, 2014 23:25 PM

tested it out a for a minute or two

Galaxy s4 19505 and sixaxis app with ps3 controller over bluetooth ( with gamepad mode enabled )

i could control up down left right motion with right analog stick

left anolog cause me to start spinning out of control.. not sure if its suppose to be like that?

the space station looks cool :D , but the other ship causes some major lag each time it appears on screen


Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: Orbital VR

by Persopolo on Dec 6th, 2014 08:58 AM

Thanks for your return bazz !

Left analog is supposed to make you spinning, slowly at first, and then faster as you keep the stick pushed.
You're supposed to use it gently otherwise you'll be spinning out of control. (the stick controls propellers power, and because there is no friction in space, the speed is incremental...)

Have you tried the "B" button wich is supposed to slow down all movements ?

Maybe the rotation power is interpreted differently on your device... difficult to know where it does come from... controller maybe. Weird.
However, I'm thinking about adding soon an (UI) User Interface where you can set up these powers.

Concerning the models, they come from Unity Asset Store, but they're not really optimized for mobile.
I'll work on them after adding the UI, and solving the Earth texture resolution issue...


Posts: 11

Joined: 05.12.2014

Re: Orbital VR

by bazz12345 on Dec 6th, 2014 11:26 AM

i just tried it out again and i understand the controls a bit more now

if i gently use the left analog stick i can keep in control but as you said it incrementaly increases speed and once the speed starts going fast i loose control(spinning really fast in a circle)

right analog as i said works fine up down left right movement

circle ( B button) on the ps3 controller causes to slow down movement a bit, but when im fully out of control it doesnt seem to slow me down anymore.

the space shuttle has to be seriously optimised or removed

im getting between 35 and 40 fps on average looking around BUT as soon as i can see the space shuttle on screen my fps drops to between 7-11 until it moves off screen and the fps returns to normal

let me know if you want me to test next version before you push update to google play :D


Posts: 25

Joined: 06.08.2013

Re: Orbital VR

by Persopolo on Dec 18th, 2014 21:59 PM

[size=150:5hp4w4u2]>> Game upgrade ![/size:5hp4w4u2]

*Not sure I solved the framerate problem though* :?
[size=85:5hp4w4u2]I'm new to lowpoly modelling, so I need a little time to learn all the tricks for mobile optimisation... and I think it's the main challenge in creating a game ! Not so difficult to add plenty of nice models and camera effects in Unity, but mobile limitations are huge...[/size:5hp4w4u2]

Whatever, plenty of new stuff:
- Heads-up display with navigation information (will get nicer in next builds)
- Menu for restarting level or quitting...
- Collisions with space modules - with sound !
- a not-so-far moon :lol:
- z-axis rotation control
- Death scenario when going to near from Earth...
- A nice 3D splashscreen
- and i rewrote the controls script (rotation does not influence translation anymore...) and materialized the forward direction in a target in the HUD...

I tried to remodel the ISS in low-poly, but it's not as so simple than making low poly. I had to take off a lot of parts that killed the framerate...
For next builds, i'll try to make it even more fluid (buy remastering all meshes), and starting a gameplay... like uuuh, grabbing some stuff floating in the air...

Comments are still welcome ! :geek:


Posts: 11

Joined: 05.12.2014


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