Dive Board

Simple small tablets

Simple small tablets

by phil12 on Jan 6th, 2016 18:51 PM

Will a simple tablet like the amazon fire 7” work with Dive? I don´t completely understand if the compatibility has to do with just screen size and basic stuff, or also video memory capabilities. In the case of the amazon fire 7” I now Android applications can be loaded into the system with ease.


Posts: 2

Joined: 06.01.2016

Re: Simple small tablets

by Torben on Jan 12th, 2016 14:13 PM


According to http://www.gsmarena.com/amazon_fire_hd_7-6689.php the device contains accelerometers and gyroscopes so it should work with Dive 7.

Best regards,


Posts: 63

Joined: 26.03.2014


Re: Simple small tablets

by Michael Wilson on Oct 8th, 2021 14:55 PM

I found this EssayRoo review not too long ago and was very surprised. Why haven't I found this site before? Here is everything I need!

Michael Wilson

Posts: 2

Joined: 08.10.2021


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