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6 signs it's time to change jobs
6 signs it's time to change jobs
by phillmarc42 on Mar 29th, 2022 15:09 PM
Do you notice that your motivation for your job has diminished in recent months and that your current position no longer represents a challenge for you? Do you feel that the company you grew up in has outgrown you or that you are moving in a different professional direction to the one you would like for your career?
It may even be the case that although you have had a good development in your company and have enjoyed this stage professionally and personally, you are now frequently thinking about the possibility of a change.
It is clear that career interests and goals are constantly changing and evolving, but how do you distinguish between temporary moods or motivation and clear signs of a need for change?
Here are some of the main signs that will confirm your suspicions and indicate that it is time to consider a leap towards a new career path seriously.
[li]You often feel tired and stressed out.[/li]
Do you drag yourself to work every morning and lack the drive you used to have? Do you sleep less and notice that your mood worsens every time you think about your job?
According to each and every psychological essay example, any of these signs could very well be a symptom of increased levels of professional stress, a body's warning system that tells you that things are probably not as they should be.
Stress can affect your mood and immune system, making you more susceptible to colds and low moods, significantly impairing your work performance. Even if left unchecked, more serious health problems can develop in the medium to long term.
If you have the feeling that your body is trying to tell you something, you should take a moment to try to understand the message.
[li]Your faith in this company is not as strong as it used to be.[/li]
When you started out, your position seemed full of possibilities, and you were very proud to identify with the company culture so hard you could write the whole wow essay on it. Recently, however, you have noticed that your perception of the company is not what it used to be and that your confidence in the project and the company's values has diminished.
Perhaps your organization has made some decisions that do not fit with your vision, or maybe there has been a reorganization that has taken you away from the career path you had planned initially.
Lack of shared values, professional alignment, identification with the brand, or loss of trust are powerful demotivating factors that are difficult to overcome. If you see yourself reflected in them, maybe it's time to start a new challenge in a new company that you can believe in.
[li]You watch the clock a lot[/li]
You used to wake up in the morning excited about what you could achieve during the day and were even willing to take on additional challenges continually; now, you are counting down the hours so you can switch off. Are you tempted by the law of least effort instead of looking at every task as an opportunity to give more, learn, or improve on what you have established?
Every professional deserves to work in a job that excites them and keeps them wanting to make a difference. However, it is possible that your job is no longer fulfilling and that your company no longer has a clear and adequate development to offer you. If this is the case, it may be time to move on to a new project that will rekindle your professional enthusiasm.
[li]Your skills do not match your personal interests.[/li]
Some people are hired to do tasks they are really good at but don't necessarily enjoy doing and, therefore, end up making their virtue their condemnation.
Maybe you are one of them, and despite having become an expert in software sales with spectacular numbers, you would rather be in marketing. You may be an ace with Excel, but you really wanted to be face-to-face with a customer instead of sitting in front of a screen.
Although it's not always easy to achieve, it's natural to want to align your personal interests with your professional activity. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to change as you specialize in an area you don't identify with.
As Steve Jobs once said, "the only way to do great work is to love what you do." Keep looking if you haven't found it yet. Don't settle. So now might be the time to seize the opportunity while you can and see what you can achieve if you try.
[li]You feel invisible[/li]
Do you feel that your opinions and contributions go unrecognized and that your promotion doesn't come despite your consistent effort? And you are never assigned the most important projects, relationships within your team are not as cordial or collaborative as they used to be, and your team doesn't work as a team?
For those who spend a large part of their time working in a team, it is highly important to feel that you are a valued member of the team and that the atmosphere is friendly, productive, and encouraging. If you have already done all you can to improve the dynamic but feel neither recognized nor part of a team, then it may be time to look for a new position or project where you can do more and get noticed.
[li]Your job is too small for you[/li]
Sometimes it can be difficult to accept that a role is no longer enough for you, no matter how much you love your company and how well you get along with your co-workers or managers. However, staying in a role out of a sense of loyalty or fear of change can become a demotivating experience and lead you to put an unnecessary brake on your professional development.
Don't be fooled. You have developed valuable skills and experience throughout your career and are well prepared for new challenges. If your company simply doesn't have the resources or can't offer you the right project to allow you to continue to grow, don't hesitate to start exploring other options. When it comes to your professional future, you owe it to yourself before you owe it to any organization.
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