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How Do You Maintain Your Progress?

How Do You Maintain Your Progress?

by ceejay2002 on Jan 11th, 2023 10:41 AM

1. Remove any extraneous items.
A minimalist lifestyle forces one to be present. When you get rid of objects associated with old memories, you become liberated and may stop dwelling in the past. After the influence of the past has subsided, you can begin to live in the present basketball stars
2. Smile
Every day there are many options! Start things off with a smile. You have control over your mood every morning; keep it upbeat and optimistic. If you make it a priority, you'll find that you do it every day without even thinking about it.
3. Delight in the present moment
Take in as much of today as possible, including all of its sights, sounds, smells, emotions, joys, and sorrows. These are ubiquitous, yet we frequently overlook or fail to fully appreciate them.
4. forget old wrongs
If you harbor grudges against another person because of past wrongs, choose to forgive and move on. Despite the fact that they caused the pain, you are responsible for allowing it to affect your emotions today. Allow yourself to let go and choose to be in the moment.
5. love your work
You are wasting 71% of your life (5/7 days) if you only "survive" the workweek while excitedly waiting for the weekend to "arrive." There are two methods to address this: either hunt for a new job that you actually enjoy, or uncover a good feature of your existing line of work.
6. Dream about the future, but put forth a lot of work today.
Aim high. Future-oriented planning should be made. But the first step to accomplishing your objectives tomorrow is always working hard today. Don't allow worrying about tomorrow take the place of present-day existence. Future-focused thinking is only beneficial in combination with present activities.
7. Don't concentrate on your prior triumphs.
You haven't done anything today if you are still talking about yesterday. There is still plenty of time to build on earlier successes and generate more memories and victories for future-you. You'll appreciate your memories of today in the future.
8. Give up worrying
If you are preoccupied about tomorrow, you won't be able to fully appreciate today. Recognize that regardless of whether you worry about tomorrow or not, it will occur. And since worrying has never benefited anybody, you should concentrate your attention elsewhere.
Consider novel approaches to problems.
Due to the rapid evolution of our environment, the majority of yesterday's ideas are no longer applicable today. Avoid being stuck in a "but that's how we've always done it" mentality. The solutions of yesterday are not the solutions of today, nor will they be the solutions of tomorrow.
10. conquer addictions
Your life is imprisoned by your addictions. They restrict you from living a completely free life and distract you from the present. Locate aid. Follow the instructions given. and remove their influence on your life. Permit yourself to be addiction-free in the now.

Mastering the art of living in the moment is required for a happy existence.


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Joined: 11.01.2023

Re: How Do You Maintain Your Progress?

by smmworld on Jan 19th, 2023 12:19 PM

As you work toward your change goals, it's crucial to keep track of your efforts.



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Joined: 18.07.2022

Re: How Do You Maintain Your Progress?

by jhoncruz on Jan 30th, 2023 11:45 AM

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