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Phone blacklist removal

Phone blacklist removal

by Mark Oomkes on Jul 5th, 2023 09:31 AM

Hey guys, I'm sorry if my topic is irrelevant. 

I purchase iPhone 14 from Facebook market place and after using it for two to three weeks, a notification appeared and says ' your phone is blacklisted '. At first, I though it's due to some error and I contacted that seller but he refused to do any help. Then, I contacted with the iPhone support and according to them, the phone was stolen and it's blocked by the owner and now it's blacklisted. It's a quite shocking for me. After doing a lot of research, I came to know that there are some third party services which can help users to unblacklist the phone. Although, I've choose ESNDoctor for blacklist removal for this task but I'm not sure how this system works to unblacklist the blacklist phone. Anyone can guide please? 

Mark Oomkes

Posts: 61

Joined: 05.07.2023

Re: Phone blacklist removal

by Mark Oomkes on Jul 5th, 2023 09:32 AM

Thanks in advance for any help!

Mark Oomkes

Posts: 61

Joined: 05.07.2023


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