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Re: Quake 2

Re: Quake 2

by forenbenutzer on Mar 28th, 2014 13:04 PM

"corradlo" wrote:
hello all,

I am trying to play q2 on my htc one with a wired xbox 360 controller, however there are a few issues:

1. im having trouble assigning controls, they are all picked up as enter

Try my modification as described above. ;)


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Re: Quake 2

by Beatboxrocker on Mar 30th, 2014 21:40 PM

@ Brutzel

did you know if its possible to flash an firmware made for the S4 to the S4 active? :?
Like the I9505XXUFNB8 [DBT] [4.4.2] Germany?
Otherwise there are no firmwares to flash officially a S4a to 4.4.2 :(


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Re: Quake 2

by thief6666 on Apr 13th, 2014 05:20 AM

My gamepad is not supported enough in q2 (I have enough buttons for walking and shooting, cannot crouch etc as all other buttons are detected as eithr enter or backspace).
So I have several kind questions/requests

1) Deas anyone have link/file to confing for snakebyte gamepad?

2) as q2 is "standing" game, bluetooth keyb. in not ergnonomic - could someone fix q2 support for gamepads?

I think is important as new content rich SBS games are slow to develop the Q2 is about the only game that we can use with our newly purchased devices. Please support QUAKE2!


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Re: Quake 2

by thief6666 on Apr 14th, 2014 19:21 PM

uhh OK still cnanot get my gamepad to wor (even in keyboard mode) but changing subject a litle bit

Would it be possible to gET Q U A K E 1 support?

QUAKE 1 should be much more phone friendly (less complicated graphics, no color lights etc) and i will be so great!
I love q1


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Re: Quake 2

by nente002 on Apr 17th, 2014 16:16 PM

Did you guy's know that you can load maps made for quake 2? I'm playing SG1 map at the moment.
Haven't got to the gateroom yet (I get simulation sickness) SO I can only play for short amounts of time.
But this is so cool! I have a HTC ONE and i've uped the resolution (in quake settings) Look very nice now!
Also you must try (does not run smooth but look great) Bootcamp demo.


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Re: Quake 2

by thief6666 on Apr 17th, 2014 18:34 PM

What you mean by loading map? can you just put another pak*.pak with custom maos and it will be loaded? can you play any of Quake2 extensions ?

PS. I am repeating myself but is it hard to make QUAKE 1 for DIVE headset?


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Re: Quake 2

by nente002 on Apr 18th, 2014 00:05 AM

I'm no developer so I don't know about quake 1.
If you create a folder "maps" in the baseq2 folder, you can put .bsp map file there.
Then use the console to load the map by typing (in the case of ghe stargate map) map sg1
And the map loads. And you can play it just fine! I've dowloaded two maps one works one doesn't.
But there are loads of maps, just google..


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Re: Quake 2

by thief6666 on May 14th, 2014 05:52 AM

Hi guys, i discovered something really cool. you can increase IMMERISON and PRESENCE feeling by scaling up objects in q2 to real - life scale!!!

The FOV set in cfg is too big. If you change line
set fov "90" to set fov "60" in config.cfg (sdcard/baseq2) sudenly everyting will become 1:1 scale as compared to real life.
every enemy model, room, window etc will appear as big as you expect it would be in real life.

Also I recoment to turn off dynamic lights
set cl_lights "0"

and turnig ON shadows:
set gl_shadows "1"

you should get 60 fps without lag on nexus 4


PS I still count on quake1 support:)


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Re: Quake 2

by Motawa on May 21st, 2014 16:29 PM

Why is there no option to look around with the right analog stick on sixaxis? Its not really fun to play a game like this when you have to turn around all the time.


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Re: Quake 2

by itsrumsey on Oct 2nd, 2014 03:23 AM

"Motawa" wrote:
Why is there no option to look around with the right analog stick on sixaxis? Its not really fun to play a game like this when you have to turn around all the time.

I know its been months since this was last posted, but is there really ANY way to do this? I want to control the camera with my right analog not with spinning in the middle of the living room nonstop. Without this option I can't even play the game :oops:


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