Dive Board

VR Labyrinth

VR Labyrinth

by Mopheus on Jul 22nd, 2013 21:11 PM

Hi everyone, this is my first "game" and I'm not a programmer, not even designer... so please be kind :)

You can play it with DIVE or without it (Just disable 3D SBS and you'll get the on-screen joystick option if you want screen controls in 2D).

The game is simple, just escape from the Labyrinth, it's only 1 level because it's probably VERY BUGGY and probably looks uggly, as my skill on textures is more than terrible.

But, you will be able to play over a local network (I think so... although may not work right now). I tested using the Unity emulator and my cell and works, but found some problems running cell vs cell. Oh, it's 4 players online actually... or will be if I ever fix it :)

To play alone just go for START and then SERVER.

Let me know what you think and remember, it's free and I have no experience... so be kind.

Stefan, can you check it on your DIVE ??? Hope it works nice...


NOTE: I couldn't upload the file here so I put it on a dropbox public folder. Stefan, let me know if that's ok.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/420 ... byrinth.7z


Posts: 4

Joined: 02.07.2013

Re: VR Labyrinth

by Stefan on Jul 23rd, 2013 22:31 PM

Awesome work on the network stuff !

Hi cool work ! The steering has the bug though, that it always steers in absolute coordinates
(meaning you are not going where you are looking )

- you do not need add rotation gameobject
-you need to attach the FPSInputcontroller to the Camera_opendive object
there the needed transformation for the player object is calculated and then added to the playerobject.

maybe i should make such a prefab available in the next version of the dive unity demo.


Posts: 129

Joined: 30.06.2013


Re: VR Labyrinth

by Mopheus on Jul 24th, 2013 00:30 AM

Yes, the prefab could be a great idea... now, related to the steering, I was thinking about it... but the idea was that you could LOOK to the sides, but your body basically is controlled by the joystick, I though it could be more "real".... now it could be fun that you actually need to TURN to be able to change directions...

I'll give it a try and get back.

Thanks for your feedback and if someone wants to help improve my game, it's welcome. Once is more "polished" I'll create more levels and add some crazy things like the chair (that is some place in laberynth floating arround) and maybe some moving doors or stuff like that.

Also, if someone can provide better textures or prefabs or whatever... it's very welcome too.



Posts: 4

Joined: 02.07.2013

Re: VR Labyrinth

by Bigcan on Jan 15th, 2014 16:22 PM

when I try to download the archive.dropbox says don't exist.;-(


Posts: 7

Joined: 11.01.2014

Re: VR Labyrinth

by Piper_Ranken on Mar 29th, 2021 10:34 AM

I’ve checked the game and I think this will be the most reliable game for kids. I appreciate your efforts towards this game on essay help where you can get the details of the game that you should really build.


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Joined: 29.03.2021

Re: VR Labyrinth

by 먹튀검증 on May 17th, 2021 11:36 AM

This article is very interesting information. It has helped me a lot. 먹튀검증 Thank you very much for providing this quality information in an easy-to-understand manner. Our site also provides high-quality information, so it will be helpful for your site. 토토검증


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