Dive Board
Tuscany Dive
Tuscany Dive
by FabulousPixel on Jan 3rd, 2014 15:01 PM
I ported the Tuscany Demo from the Ouculs SDK to the Dive.
The framerate is not the best, but I makes fun to walk around.
People are very excited when they never tested virtual reality before.
Welcome to Tuscany!
Explore the beautiful Tuscany using the OpenDive / Dive glasses.
In this demo, you can move with a controller. Alternatively, you can look on the ground to activate or deactivate the auto-walk.
With a touch on the screen you can turn on more graphic effects. But therefore a powerful smartphone is required! A realistic impression is created by the use of headphones, and without disturbing ambient light.
The level is from the Oculus SDK and it is designed for more computing power than a smartphone can offer. So the frame rate can suffer.
Welcome to Tuscany!
Tauche mit Hilfe der OpenDive / Dive Brille in die wunderschöne Toskana ein.
In dieser Demo kann man sich mit einem Controller bewegen. Alternativ reicht ein Blick auf den Boden wodurch sich ein Auto-Walk aktivieren bzw. deaktivieren lässt.
Mit einer Berührung des Displays lassen sich weitere Grafik-Effekte einschalten. Hierfür wird aber ein leistungsstarkes Smartphone benötigt! Ein realitätsnaher Eindruck wird durch die Verwendung von Kopfhörern und ohne störendes Umgebungslicht erzeugt.
Das Level stammt aus der Oculus SDK und ist für mehr Rechenleistung ausgelegt als ein Smartphone bieten kann. Deswegen kann die Framerate darunter leiden.
Download at playstore
The Tuscany Demo has been provided by Oculus VR
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Re: Tuscany Dive
by klwinkel on Jan 3rd, 2014 15:40 PM
I will try it on my nexus4, but have to charge it first ;-(
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Re: Tuscany Dive
by klwinkel on Jan 3rd, 2014 17:30 PM
unplayable on galaxy nexus, but runs very nice on Nexus4.
i used it with a bt keyboard to walk, because it only walked a few steps at a time when looking at my feet.klwinkel
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Re: Tuscany Dive
by beatet on Jan 3rd, 2014 21:05 PM
I had an oculus rift and the inmersion on the dive it´s a little bit lower than oc (not too much).
I have a samsung galaxy s4 and the diference between OC and samsung panel it´s amazing. The screendoor has almost disappear.
It´s a pity the framerate but I hope you can fix this in next versions (please)
Thank you so much. Great job!!beatet
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Re: Tuscany Dive
by nils16 on Jan 4th, 2014 13:49 PM
Runs on my s4 very well when I turn the effects off!
No drift! And I can walk with my android:con controller.
Please more RIFT Demos!nils16
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Re: Tuscany Dive
by lalalol on Jan 4th, 2014 14:19 PM
Works with around 40fps when all effects are turned off on my Asus PadFone 2. Can walk around with Xbox wired controller and even jumped out of the garden and walked through the rest of the map
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Re: Tuscany Dive
by jjggaitan on Jan 5th, 2014 20:55 PM
Works really nice on my LG G2. I love this app. Could you migrate more apps like this? it would be really great!
By the way, I am using my Ouya controller, and I can jump, but not outside the fence. How you did that?jjggaitan
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Re: Tuscany Dive
by lalalol on Jan 6th, 2014 13:55 PM
look here :
http://abload.de/img/screenshot_2014-01-06jsobx.png Find this place and then jump on the right one if youre on it, you can jump out of the garden or you can even jump(climb) the tree
like this http://abload.de/image.php?img=screensh ... 6bfpvx.png
btw: im now on a nexus 5 and it works greatlalalol
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