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Camera inexplicably moving to the right

Camera inexplicably moving to the right

by rvdleun on Jan 5th, 2014 22:53 PM

First off, I got the Durovis two days back and I'm absolutely ecstatic. This device actually lets me live out a childhood-dream of actually owning a VR-Helmet and I couldn't be happier. Especially with the wonderful plugin that was supplied on Durovis that instantly allowed me to do some development in Unity. I've run into a minor problem, which might be related to my own hardware, but I just wanted to check out to see if anyone's familiar with this issue.

Basically, whenever I'm looking straight ahead, the camera slowly but surely starts moving to the right even when I'm standing still. I'm not sure if I had this problem before with other apps where I was generally looking around, but it's becoming a bit of an issue now that I'm working on something that basically requires me to keep looking at one spot for a short period. I've looked at the other apps in the store and they're all showing the same issue.

So far, all I've really tried to do is recalibrating the gyroscope. The device I'm testing this out on is a Samsung Galaxy S Advance. Unfortunately, I do not have another device I could test this out on.

If anyone could help me out on this, it'd be appreciated. I'm assuming it might be a hardware fault, but you never know.


Posts: 7

Joined: 05.01.2014

Re: Camera inexplicably moving to the right

by grantcbaxter on Jan 7th, 2014 06:43 AM


I'm guessing this is what you are experiencing...



Posts: 18

Joined: 08.12.2013



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