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pregunta para programadores

pregunta para programadores

by visionari on Jan 14th, 2014 13:30 PM


Hola chicos. Yo no soy programador solo consumidor y tengo una duda . Es muy dificil para un programador con una demo de oculus o un juego trabajado en unity como hay muchos en la tienda android poder extrapolarlo a android en sbs 3d?gracias


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Joined: 10.01.2014

Re: question for programmers

by Svauly on Jan 14th, 2014 14:18 PM

Can you write this text again in your native language?



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Joined: 30.11.2013

Re: question for programmers

by acocalypso on Jan 14th, 2014 14:49 PM

Please dont use google Translate.

But i think he wanted to know if it is hard to port occulus rift games to our Dive. Or to port other Unity games.



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Joined: 03.12.2013


Re: pregunta para programadores

by visionari on Jan 14th, 2014 17:25 PM

Yes, perfect acocapypso. Thanks


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Joined: 10.01.2014

Re: pregunta para programadores

by obiwahn on Jan 14th, 2014 17:53 PM

It should not be that hard if it the game is made in unity, as long as the polycount of the models and the shaders are not intensive. If yes then it is a bit harder but not impossible. :D


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Re: pregunta para programadores

by acocalypso on Jan 14th, 2014 18:15 PM

I agree it isnt that hard to port games to lower spec devices, but its a lot of work. Especially when you need to rebase the characters or rewrite the shaders.
The next thing is, you need the full untiy project for the specific game you want to port.


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Re: pregunta para programadores

by jendytr on Dec 20th, 2022 02:38 AM

This essay is critical, but it also instructs territorial io us on how to live morally and kindly; rather than acting selfishly, we should live to give and then receive respect.


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