Dive Board

2 new games on google play store

2 new games on google play store

by JayRay on Feb 9th, 2014 02:20 AM

hello there everyone,

there are my first 2 litte games/demos on google play store aviable :D :D :D .

there names:
-Vr Space Walk
-Vulkan Durovis Dive VR Demo


you can download them for free.
others will follow the next days.

please tell me your experience with it....

Ps: Ihr könnt gerne auch auf Deutsch antworten :D ....


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: 2 new games on google play store

by kakek on Feb 13th, 2014 18:49 PM


Those are 2 nice demos to show the dive potential. they worked perfectly on my Galaxy note 2.
And for some reasons, they seem to work with my OTG gamepad, whereas other demos didn't. (incorrect mapping of keys.)

Now, I think I have one (little) remark :
In the volcano demo, I had a hard time telling where I was going, because I had to look down to know what direction my body was facing. I think it might be better to just make the player always move in the direction he is facing.
Less realistic, sure. But easier to manage for the player.

Also, I am currently looking into unity, to see if I can manage to make my own game for the dive. ( Slowly though, for now I am just looking every tutorial I can find.) Did you use unity ? Would you mind sharing one of your project, for me to use as a learning / starting tool ?


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Joined: 13.02.2014

Re: 2 new games on google play store

by JayRay on Feb 13th, 2014 20:01 PM

hello kakek,
thx for your suggestion. i made the volcano app to figure how it would be to decouple the walking from the view. Personally i think it is the better way of stearing, caus in real you dont walk where you look at too. In future projects i try to improve that kind of walking. My idea is to get the angle of your head and connect it with the body. so if youre head rotates over 100 degree to one site the body will rotate with it.

and to your question:
yeah, i use unity. the volcano app was my first build with that engine. as far as i know there are no other ways to build dive games without that engine. But unity is really f******* great!
Are you familar with an programming language? in unity u can use C or java code, i prefer C because i´m familar with c++.
If you know how to write your on code unity will be easy to manage for you. without the ability of writing your own code the options are limeted.
and yes, i think i will make my volcano app open source by time. than you can download it from my website.


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014

Re: 2 new games on google play store

by kakek on Feb 13th, 2014 20:28 PM

A few years ago, I made a few project in C++. Let's say it's a good occasion to get back on that horse.

About the controls, the thing is in real life I can just feel the way my body is facing. I never get confused as to wich direction I am going to move in. But in a dive game, all I have is my vision, no feeling of the world. When I start moving, it's to easy to loose track of where my body is facing and be suprised when I start moving in the wrong direction.

Maybe you could try having a cross displayed on the screen, that show the direction the body is facing. That way you don't loose track of it. And you start rotating the body as soon as that cross reach the border of the screen. You would keep the possibility of looking a bit around while moving, while preventing the player from loosing track of where his body is facing.

Also, on my phone, only the left stick was active. Up/down was move forward and backward, left/right was rotation. If this is not my gamepad messing up and this is what you intended, you might want to adopt the console FPS way. Left stick movement, right stick orientation.

Well, all that is easy to say, but personally I'm still in the tutorial phase ... so I respect what you've already done anyway.


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Joined: 13.02.2014


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