Dive Board

Hoverboard Dive

Hoverboard Dive

by rvdleun on Feb 10th, 2014 23:55 PM

I finished my first pet project to really see what I could with the Durovis. It's a simple arcade game that's meant to easily show off what the Durovis can do, eases the user into being able to look around a bit to get used to the headset, and then have a bit of fun while shooting down enemy targets. The focus was to keep things as simple as possible, no controllers or anything are required. I'm pretty proud of the result, got some fun feedback while people were playing it, and would like to see what you guys think of it.

It's called Hoverboard Dive, and it's available for free on the Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... dive&hl=en. If you want to give it a try on your PC, I also have a webplayer version available at http://www.rvdleun.nl/hoverboard/hoverboard.html.

Please let me know what you think of it.


Posts: 7

Joined: 05.01.2014

Re: Hoverboard Dive

by Ravere on Feb 11th, 2014 04:07 AM

Hi Rvdleun,

Thanks for creating a free game for us to enjoy, unfortunately it seems my HTC One isn't compatible with the game and it won't show in my devices play store.
Is there some error?

Kind regards,



Posts: 1

Joined: 11.02.2014

Re: Hoverboard Dive

by mile on Feb 11th, 2014 08:35 AM

Hi, nexus5 seems uncompatible too


Posts: 12

Joined: 05.02.2014

Re: Hoverboard Dive

by jjggaitan on Feb 11th, 2014 09:22 AM

Same happens to me: LG G2 not compatible


Posts: 27

Joined: 28.12.2013


Re: Hoverboard Dive

by rvdleun on Feb 11th, 2014 10:23 AM

Hrm, I'll look into this tonight.


Posts: 7

Joined: 05.01.2014

Re: Hoverboard Dive

by sergikreu on Feb 12th, 2014 00:18 AM

Sorry my inglish is very little...
Thank for your job...
But in my Galaxy S4 not compatilty...sorry for my inglish...I am spanish...

I play the game in web...very cool...good job


Posts: 6

Joined: 12.02.2014


Re: Hoverboard Dive

by rvdleun on Feb 12th, 2014 14:24 PM

I just uploaded a new version to the Google Play Store that should work on more devices now. I expect it will be available in about 3-4 hours, but if not, you can also download the APK at the following address: http://rvdleun.nl/hoverboard/hoverboarddive.apk


Posts: 7

Joined: 05.01.2014

Re: Hoverboard Dive

by jpslara on Feb 12th, 2014 16:45 PM

work fine on galaxy S3


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Joined: 27.12.2013


Re: Hoverboard Dive

by bbennett22 on Feb 12th, 2014 21:07 PM

just downloaded it on my nexus 5... appears to work fine. Wasn't compatible yesterday, so it looks like the fix worked


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Joined: 12.02.2014

Re: Hoverboard Dive

by JayRay on Feb 13th, 2014 11:50 AM

nice little game ;) . works fine on my htc one x....


Posts: 51

Joined: 09.02.2014


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