Dive Board

Virtual tour 360 video

Virtual tour 360 video

by jlpetuco on Apr 2nd, 2014 03:05 AM

Olá! Algum usuário inteligente pode desenvolver um App de Passeio Virtual em video 360, como o do link abaixo :D :


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Posts: 2

Joined: 02.04.2014


Re: Virtual tour 360 video

by Amok on Apr 2nd, 2014 10:32 AM

You would reach more ppl if you write in englisch.


Posts: 3

Joined: 17.03.2014

Re: Virtual tour 360 video

by jlpetuco on Apr 3rd, 2014 01:47 AM

Hello! Some clever user can develop an App for Virtual Tour video 360, as the link below


Posts: 2

Joined: 02.04.2014


Re: Virtual tour 360 video

by JosselinTD on Apr 4th, 2014 08:20 AM

You can try to contact the creator of the video : http://www.yellowbirdsdonthavewingsbuttheyflytomakeyouexperiencea3dreality.com/ (Yeah I know, it's an awesome website name ^^). They already have an app for Iphone (not Dive compatible) and maybe they can be interested in the Dive


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Joined: 04.04.2014


Re: Virtual tour 360 video

by Checksum on Apr 6th, 2014 02:00 AM

Try kolor eyes it do exactly that. (I'm not the owner, just find it on iTunes)
First change projection to rectilinear then click the lenses


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Joined: 25.12.2013

Re: Virtual tour 360 video

by nente002 on Apr 16th, 2014 14:16 PM

The guys behind GOSHOW are now working on 360 video for Android!!


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Joined: 16.04.2014



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