I'm trying to combine the Dive with the libGDX graphics library (http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/). I'm (currently) only interested in the stereoscopic view without the sensors etc. Is there any documentation or code on how the Unity Plugin creates the two, stereoscopic images and which parameters they chose for the stereoscopic calculations?
I've seen that some people have already created games with libGDX for the dive but I couldn't find any exemplifying code. I could post my code when I've ported it to libGDX.
Posts: 3
Joined: 23.06.2014
Re: Dive with libGDX
by Mic on Jul 3rd, 2014 20:01 PM
Hi again,
I got - using some publications for other hardware - the stereoscopic view for libgdx and I'm now working on the parameters. Does anybody know at what distance the screen seems to appear (I assume that the lenses make the screen appear at a different distance than the actual)? And do the lenses create a significant distortion?
Posts: 3
Joined: 23.06.2014
Re: Dive with libGDX
by Stefan on Jul 5th, 2014 03:21 AM
Sorry, im still in the US but i can try to get libgdx working at home together with dive sdk on about 19th july
Posts: 129
Joined: 30.06.2013
Re: Dive with libGDX
by Mic on Jul 17th, 2014 01:30 AM
Don't worry. All the basic stuff works now, so I'm mostly trying to optimize it with the right parameters. I'm especially looking for the distance at which the screen appears through the lenses.