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monoscopic rendering ?

monoscopic rendering ?

by amanieux on Jul 22nd, 2016 01:26 AM

i don't want stereo vision in my app,is there a way to do one one render for an eye and blit it it to the second eye without re-rendering for a new eye position ? ( should also be faster, no ?) -i tried modifying the right or left camera in the unity scene and it did not work.


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Joined: 19.07.2016

Re: monoscopic rendering ?

by Boubouk50 on Nov 28th, 2016 18:04 PM


Can't you just set the right camera at the same position of the left one? Or put them both at (0,0,0)?
I didn't try, but this should work. You probably need to disable Offset Center script though.


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Joined: 28.11.2016

Re: monoscopic rendering ?

by active on Dec 22nd, 2021 02:15 AM

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