Dive Board

What gold coins would you recommend?

What gold coins would you recommend?

by Promethan Permutation on Mar 1st, 2022 18:04 PM

And what is even more importat where to buy these? If you have some links in your bookmarks, please share them here.

Promethan Permutation

Posts: 50

Joined: 23.02.2022

Re: What gold coins would you recommend?

by furduglas@gmail.com on Mar 1st, 2022 18:36 PM

There's not really any difference as the price scales from the weight in the majority of cases. So the best you can do is to browse some and pick the one you like the most visually. But I will recommend this https://www.pacificpreciousmetals.com/canadian-gold-coins . Bought several of these. The price is truly nice and the coins look great. So click the link and check it out.


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Joined: 21.02.2022


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