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Question from a musician

Question from a musician

by MIllerMark on Sep 19th, 2024 06:49 AM

I have recently been faced with the need to change jobs, as my previous position at a local music school did not offer opportunities for career advancement. I think it was time to try something new, especially in the international field. What opportunities are there for an experienced musician who is ready for new professional challenges and wants to expand his horizon?


Posts: 7

Joined: 15.06.2024

Re: Question from a musician

by LexZub on Sep 19th, 2024 08:35 AM

Exploring new horizons and career opportunities can be an important stage in any musician's life. If you're interested in an experience where music is combined with traveling and experiencing new cultures, working as a musician on cruise ships is worth considering. Cruise Ship Musician Gigs open doors to international gigs, allowing you to not only grow professionally, but also visit exotic parts of the world. Cruise ships provide not only a high salary, but also a full package of benefits, including room and board, making this option particularly attractive. In addition, every performance on board is an opportunity to improve your skills and make professional contacts with artists from different countries. Rising Stars Talent Agency offers musicians a platform for new achievements and travel around the world.


Posts: 6

Joined: 27.07.2024


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